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Hardest Fight

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Post by Casius »

Okay, they aren't tricks, but they are cheese. What's the point if you can just set a whole bunch of traps and he's killed instantly, or just cast Cloudkill/Incediary Cannon from afar, and he won't fight back.
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Bruce Lee
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Post by Bruce Lee »

Setting traps at the feet of a dragon does feel wrong to me. Setting them out of their sight and then luring them there feels like a smart move.
Casting cloudkill into fog of war doesn't actually seem like a cheesy thing to me. The problem is rather that the visual range is shorter than the range for most weapon and spells. To stand in the area of effect when casting cloudkill is stupid and to avoid this you have to cast it out of visual range. Ofcourse it is a pity that the dragon does not react properly to this but not the spellcasters fault.
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Post by UserUnfriendly » one of the founders of "shoot the cripples" school of play, try this...

for menchar and co, cast 3-4 webs in room, then unload 3 cloudkills...web holds them down,and tehy die messy.

for the twisted rune, you need delay action fireball or lots of skulls, and project image. cast farsight, into room, note spawn points of everybody, then have image cast 5 or more skulls or fireballs into each spawn point after reload.

they die so fast its grosse.
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

Originally posted by UncleScratchy

I don't think you can set traps once combat has started - correct me if I'm mistaken.
i forgot to put IMO in the end of that post :D

ah, t'was night when i wrote that... i mean setting traps in FoW of the dragon... casting the killing clouds isn't cheating, but cheesy means you exploit an error in the game, like the one that dragons just stand there, SK stuff is cheating, but exploiting a bug with stuff you can do without any external programs is called cheese again IMO, i wish cheesemage was still here, he could've explained with more indepth,
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Post by Casius »

I'm not saying that it is dishonest, or even that you shouldn't do it. I love cheese, play with it all the time, but when your comparing hardest battles, you shouldn't count those strategies against Firkraag or any enemy for that matter.
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Post by chanser69 »

the hardest fight i've ever encountered... hands down is with this groundhog in the umar hills..... litterally KICKED MY A$$!!!! damn....


hehe ya right..... groundhog lol... i did see a tiger kill one though... that was quite funny lol
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

was this a hacked groundhog??/

someone using cntrl q assembled the party from hell...

cow, 25 lv sorceror,
chicken 30 level kensai
ground hog 20/30 cleric mage..
stray cat. 35 assassin...
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Post by Casius »

Hehe, that reminds me of the rabbit from the Quest for the Holy Grail. Someone should make a superfast groundhog/rabbit that does like 50 damage each time, and some other stuff.
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Bruce Lee
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Post by Bruce Lee »

What about this for hardest fight...not :D
I thought it would be a difficult fight but man is MoD +2 effective.
Just a typical baddie, all talk. To quote Tuco: "If you're gonna shoot shoot don't talk".
I am soloing a kensai and everyone should try it, you feel like Conan...except that I am a dwarf, dual-wielding flails most of the time...
I actually beat Mencar and his gang straight out of Irenicus dungeon with this guy. Just downed a potion of speed and a potion frostgiant strength and activated the improved invisibilty from ring of air control. I even told mencar to watch it before starting to bash them up. Well anyway kensais are the best fighters!
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Post by dismaltommyrot »

i c a lot of ppl say that firkrak (the red dragon) is one of the hardest battles, i agree, but thats not why im posting, its to say that my friend, for the first time he came to him, he heard me and my other friend saying how difficult and how many days and nights it took to kill him and all the party members we used to kill him and ect. well the frist time he whent there, he cast lower magic resistance and malison, and then cast finger of death!!!!! this battle lasted 20 secs, now if thats not inferuating then i dont know what is, and further more, the second time he got, there he was to low a lev to use that spell so he polimoprhed him into a SQUIRRIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!. well that all i wanted to say.

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