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Advantages of a Halfing against an Elf

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Post by lompo »

How to equip your Halfling depend on which is his role in your party, if you have good fighters I think that He can be much more effective using a sling (he gets extra bonus): consider 19 dex, bracers of archery and sling of everard + bullets +2, you are going to do a lot of damage (see a recent thread for figures); I know that unequipping shield to pick locs can be boring, but there isn't mani doors locked to be open (a lot are open with special keys), and you usually open chest when battle is over and every body is getting healed, while I found much more annoying to switch in the heat of the battle from a ranged to two swords.
Anyway, if you are planning to use your F/T as front fighters you can consider to have the double wielding, but if you want to mantain the hide in shadows ability what armour are you going to use (the best are S. dragon ac+1 or hide ac+3)?
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Post by Astafas »

Originally posted by Bruce Lee

You could pick up good old Tiax in Spellhold!!
Don't forget Quayle!
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Post by Bruce Lee »

Don't think there is a MOD for Tiax( too bad). You will have to use ctwl-q I guess.
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Post by Arcane »

@fable-dont move this thread to SYM please, i found it very useful so far (and it wasnt me who started the roast-a-halfing thing)

im a NG f-t...downloaded sabres all romances so at least i get some :D :D :D :D :D :D using arbane and a short sword +2...
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Post by Arcane »

heres how to make the cheats work,

open your SoA folder (in my computer) and find the baldur.ini file (it shoudnt be in the overide)
under the heading *program options* find any space and type in

Debug Mode=1

save, close, start and you can cntrl-q ppl to get into your party
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Post by Coot »

Does this go for all npc's? I mean, enemies too? I'd like to have a party that includes Bodhi, Irenicus, Demogorgon and Melissan. That would be fun. Well, it maybe wouldn't but I'd still like to see.
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

The public have spoken, @Fable. The silliness of Roast-a-halfling can go on!

So let's get back to it. :D
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Post by Sojourner »

Originally posted by UncleScratchy

Thanks, thats kinda what I thought but didn't know the steps. Can you cntrl-q in anyone with a name or just certain named characters? Do you just put your cursor over the character you want to join and then hit Cntrl-Q?
You can pretty much CRTL+Q anyone. Just hold your cursor over an NPC/monster and press CRTL+Q. Note that this will override their current script.
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Originally posted by UncleScratchy

Thanks, I've tried it but don't like the fact that you cannot get a portrait, or otherwise customize them. Maybe its just better to bring them in to find out their stats and than clone one with SK.

I'm still pretty disappointed that none of the hot shots on this forum have taken up the challenge of making a custom set of gnomish Fruit Armor - I've got Aunt Petunia trapsing around in Aeries old adventure's robe and thats just not right.
Maybe you should have given them some stats to work with. :p
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Post by fable »

Okay, I won't move it. We'll let this thread stay around for both serious types and those looking for a haven of silliness. :D
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

@Fable-Is it possible to copy threads? Because I think SYM could make great use from the potential behind this roast-a-halfling thread. Things like recipes, perhaps a small bijou eatery thread, who knows what this thread could become if properly nurtured?

So if we can have copies of it in both forums that would be great.
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Post by Vivien »

Rofl!! I should step out of SYM more often, this is pretty funny stuff. :D

But, to gnomes vs elves vs halflings from a female point of view...

Male elves are not worth it, they're deathly skinny, whinny, condescending and weak. Female elves on the other hand have stunning good looks along with being get my point. :)

This brings us to the biggest decisions..gnomes vs halflings. It all comes down to this:

You want roses as a token of love. Do you want someone who will go out and steal roses FOR you, or do you want someone who will build some bizarre contraption that someday may have the chance of producing something that sort of looks like a rose? :D
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Halflings are waist height, so there are some obvious benefits there :D (Copyright @ the very secret diaries of the Fellowship), but the question on my mind (well, one of them anyway) is is a gnome really worth putting up with the stories for?

In addition to the fact that for the term of a natural human life-span elves will stay young and attractive, male elves also have that agility that you claim to find so appealing, @Viv.
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Originally posted by UncleScratchy
Gnomes don't take reality as seriously and have wonderful imaginations.
And that's where the problems with gnomes begin. :rolleyes: :D
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Post by Vivien »

Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Halflings are waist height, so there are some obvious benefits there :D (Copyright @ the very secret diaries of the Fellowship), but the question on my mind (well, one of them anyway) is is a gnome really worth putting up with the stories for?

In addition to the fact that for the term of a natural human life-span elves will stay young and attractive, male elves also have that agility that you claim to find so appealing, @Viv.
*vaguely remembers saying something about spider man's agility being sexy* :D Why do people remember me saying things I've no memory of? :)

Okay, you state that elves have the agility...but lets compare possible high stats:

Dexterity: 19
Constitution: 18

Dexterity: 19
Constitution: 17

Hmm...which to choose....Do I choose the agile elf who gets all worn out after five minutes....or the agile halfling who perhaps has the consitution to go that extra mile...

Clearly, if we are going pure lover ability here, agility and staying power being the most important things...halflings win. (I'm afraid I've never played a gnome and have no idea about their stats).

Also, though elves will stay attractive, you have to admit that Halflings are funny looking to start with, just getting more and more so with time, so where's the downside there? :D
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Originally posted by Vivien

*vaguely remembers saying something about spider man's agility being sexy* :D Why do people remember me saying things I've no memory of? :)

Okay, you state that elves have the agility...but lets compare possible high stats:

Dexterity: 19
Constitution: 18

Dexterity: 19
Constitution: 17

Hmm...which to choose....Do I choose the agile elf who gets all worn out after five minutes....or the agile halfling who perhaps has the consitution to go that extra mile...

Clearly, if we are going pure lover ability here, agility and staying power being the most important things...halflings win. (I'm afraid I've never played a gnome and have no idea about their stats).

Also, though elves will stay attractive, you have to admit that Halflings are funny looking to start with, just getting more and more so with time, so where's the downside there? :D
You list "Funny looking" as a desirable quality for a partner? :p

I'd say that the halfling's constitution advantage is far outweighed by the fact that they would require a stepladder simply to kiss you.

BTW, in my case I remember things people say and later forget because I'm a student of the Georgi school of comebacks. :D
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Post by Sojourner »

Jan Jansen's Fruit Armor dialog :D - highlight for spoiler:

Jan: So Valygar, how do you like being a ranger?

Valygar: You are going to tell me another of your insipid stories, aren't you?

Jan: Well if you're asking, then yes. It happens that my Aunt Petunia is a ranger, don't you know?

Valygar: No, I wasn't aware that your aunt was a ranger. (sigh)

Jan: She had the standard followers: a hydra, a shadow dragon, and a solar. She had the dragon trained to roll over, play dead and fetch dwarves. She called him Blackie, I believe. Loved to run and play and lie in the sun.

Valygar: Of course.

Jan: Long and far she'd roam, with Larry the Solar always at her side, fighting evil, mocking druids and the like.

Valygar: Mmm hmm.

Jan: Anyway, my point is that Petunia and Larry were out for a stroll in the woods. She was wearing her fruit armor, which was the style at the time, you understand. Aunt Petunia always kept up with the style.

Valygar: It goes without saying.

Jan: Larry had a nasty case of the plague...

Valygar: Oh, is it that time already? I'm afraid I have to take point now. You know how <CHARNAME> is with keeping on schedule.

Jan: Very well. We'll continue this story at the next opportunity.

Valygar: I can't wait.
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Post by Vivien »

Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
You list "Funny looking" as a desirable quality for a partner? :p

I'd say that the halfling's constitution advantage is far outweighed by the fact that they would require a stepladder simply to kiss you.

BTW, in my case I remember things people say and later forget because I'm a student of the Georgi school of comebacks. :D
Well, I thought you knew I liked funny looking and odd people...why else would I frequent SYM? :D ;)

As to the height...would an female elf really have that many problems with a tallish halfling? I think not ;) :D


Sojourner: Very nice dialogue :) :D
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Last post for the night, G'night all.
Originally posted by Vivien

Well, I thought you knew I liked funny looking and odd people...why else would I frequent SYM? :D ;)

As to the height...would an female elf really have that many problems with a tallish halfling? I think not ;) :D


Sojourner: Very nice dialogue :) :D
SYM has it's fair share of funny looking and odd people, 'tis true. Touche. Though you could be frequenting SYM for the intelligent conversation and deep, meaningful discourse that so often prevails there... :D

There's still the problem of the age difference with halflings and elves. A halfling partner would get old and die long before an elf would. And of course from an elven perspective having a partner with 18 Con is a bit of a waste, considering that they can only have 17. Why have a partner who can go the extra mile if he has to go it alone? :p :D
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Post by Bruce Lee »

Well here is Aunt Petunia's Fruit Armour... a prototype only.
Tell me what you want it to do and I'll see if I can fix it for you.
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