Hi folks...
I recently re-started playing PoR:RoMD, and I was glad to find most of the bugs (including the crashes!!!) were fixed (probably the latest patch did the trick...).
So I was able (at last) to do the big drow fights, and now I beat Thyaast (sp?)...
But OH, surprise: I went into her rooms with a gem studded key (?), but the door must have locked behind me, and now i can't get out again!
Does anyone know how I can get this door to unlock? I don't have back saves for the last 10 hours of gaming time (at least)...
I'm afraid that if I can't continue now, i'll just put the game back into the box... far too many disappointments until now (even though I just began enjoying the game again... oh well...)
* * * "BUGGRIT! BUGGREM! BUGGREMALL!!!" (Foul Ole Ron) * * *
gem studded key
There is a door to the west of the chambers of Thyaast, that opens with a delicate gold key. The key can be found in one of the rooms there. Have you tried that???
"When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong."
Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller