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Now that Ive trapped a soul, what do I do with it?

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Now that Ive trapped a soul, what do I do with it?

Post by warto »

My first attempt at soul trapping worked! I used a summon skelly scroll then used a scroll of gem-feeding on the skelly, then I hacked the skelly down and now I have a petty soul gem (skeleton). But what now, my enchant is only 5 so I probably cant do any enchanting but if I were to try, what would I do?
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Tackon D'wall
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Post by Tackon D'wall »

At 5 enchant you don't really have a chance to enchant an item so sell it and get $$$. You will be TONS of gems later that you can use. Plus to be honest with petty and lesser gems I'd really only sell them anyways.

You could spend the $$$ you get from selling them to buy up u're enchant :D

After enchant is decent level like 30-40 just pickup the gem and drop it on yourself I think. I have a decent enchant but I haven't gotten around to trying to enchant yet. For now I'm focused on leveling and getting good items :D
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Post by fable »

Either bring it to an enchanter (like the one upstairs in the Balmora mage guild) to enchant for you, or hold it until your enchant skill is high enough to use it. If your enchant skill is only 5, I'd suggest passing on that skill in this game, and just paying an enchanter for you. After all, there are plenty of opportunities to earn money. :)
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