Anyway, I saw a ladder leading up through a trapdoor and when I went up, I saw this dwemer sword imbedded in a kind of altar surrounded by those red ash statues. I grabbed the (short) sword and wielded it. The graphic is very cool and the mods are out of this world (damage isn't great, but the mods more than make up for it), but there is a small kills you when you hold it
A journal entry was made when I found it and when I first took damage from the sword, the message was given, "Keening just dealt you a mortal blow". I was dead in a couple of seconds. I looked at my icons and didn't see any negative effects, so I don't know why the sword killed me...seems a shame to never be able to use it
I'm not very far into the main quest yet (still fiddling with the guilds and such), so I was wondering if anyone has found a way to use the sword (maybe through a quest or something).