see, the catch is while it will drain health from victim and give to you, its not a trasfer, its a BORROW..once the duration you have set is done, the victim gets it back...grrr....
oh well, still looks like damage health is the way to go....
something is flakey about bound weapons with constant bind with saint, then when you put on item it creates the weapon, then when you take off ring or what ever, you should lose weapon, right???wrong... you can actually drop the ring or whatever, and still keep the bound weapon!!!!WTF????
once you constant effect a bound weapon, it stays forever...really annoying, but true...
so i figured out teh only way the game lets you get rid of items at all....
kill something, (how many times does my advice start with that???)
then put trash items into corpse, then dispose of carcass button...
whoosh, all gone...
well, still should get bound weapons enchanted into rings, since i refuse to carry unenchanted daedric stuff anymore...but be warned, it could concievably cause a stack overflow if you lose ring, or dispose of ring.....but is still the best way to carry a nice small selection of weapons for all purposes, like a ring of katana for killing crap weasels, when you dont want to whip out storm bringer...
storm bringer is still a great weapon, just damage health only, good point, nice long duration...this is how damage health and poison and other effects can be made killer beyond belief....
you set up duration beyond default zero, like 2-4 seconds, yes, i know it consumes more charges, but bear with me, and then you whack a beasty many times, and the accumated damage healths really way to kill a siant i know of... i set stormbringer to 30 or so with 3 second duration, so if i whack something with about 2-4 blows a second, each damage health spell, cast when stuck, will stack and kill it very fast indeed....
think in bg2, how evil whne you g whirwind if you have assassin fighter dual, and you poison weapon, and g whirlwind, each strike accumulates poison damage per round, killing the victim in a nice green froth on the mouth, as each strike delivers poison, just a bit, but many strikes and each hit sets up condition poison in victim, and they stack...
oh well, have to go back to my stream in balmora and pick up loot, and find a nice corpse to dispose with...
i hate littering...
oh yeah, jake, old buddy, know where bound greaves are???
almost have full set of bound armor, but missing greaves...
an exquiste shirt can hold helm, gloves and cuirass...
just put shirt on, and i am styling...