@ Aegis. Let me tell you a story.
I was just a little gaffer, back in grade 5. And I met this girl who I though was so amazing. Was in my class for years, and still is. I had the HUGEST crush on her all through elementary. Asked her out finally in grade 7.
Alas she just wanted to be friends.
Needless to say, I was devastated. 2 years I wanted her. However, that still didnt snap me out of it, and 2 years later in grade 9, fresh into highschool, I still wanted her, but I'd had a couple of relationships with other people, but in my mind, none could hold candle to her.
Out of the blue, entering finals of grade 9 (ya laugh, gr 9 finals are nothing) She asked ME out.
Now seeing as how I wanted her for 4 years now, I couldn't possibly say no.
The relationship lasted 2 weeks, and was BRUTAL. We had become such close friends that it wasn't possible, and all the things that had built up in my mind over the years over what it would be like to be with her was WRONG. Nothing seemed right. We parted company, but are still close friends, and spend a lot of time together.
So to sum up, she wasnt worth it. Despite what I thought, she wasn't. Now, to hell with trying to find the "one". I'll find pretty, smart fun young ladies to hang out with while I'm still handsome and charming.
Doesn't exclude the possibility of long term relationships, but we are teenagers, we really only want one (k, maybe 2) things out of a relationship.
The waves came crashing in like blindness.
So I just stood and listened.