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Another "artifacts" thread....spoilers

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Another "artifacts" thread....spoilers

Post by UserUnfriendly »

this one lists artifacts that are true artifacts, not simply the annoying and trashy ash vampire stuff you get from main blades quest, but the really GOOD stuff...

like the necromancer amulet, with spell absorb and some stat increase?? but the bugger has about 4000 charges!!!!

or the bear claw helm, with 40 point boost to end and agility...the max you can get with a daedric tower shield is 45%!!!! and you get 80 with helm!!!

dragon scale armor you get in mulan grotto is 300+ armor points...but 100% immune to fire!!!

the daedric curass and greaves you get from auriel bow quest in tevanni has 50!!! feather spells....

fists of ranguff(?) has 40 bonus to str and other glove has 40 to agility or speed, not sure which...

the best dagger in game is the black hand dagger, mehunes razor has 300 or so charges, but the black hand has 2000, i think....

what i am getting at, is you should only list items in this thread that an item has more constant bonuses than you can create with item maker, or a lot more charges than 400, max with golden saint....

yes, i am greedy, so are a lot of you...dont deny it, i know you are!!!!

trebonisuses ebony staff has thousands of charges, and wizards staff is loaded with charges, around 500 or so, if i am not mistaken....

amulets of equity is major heal all amulet, with more restore ability than anything in game, i think....this is a fast eddie quest only, so you must play trevanni....

saviors hide makes the breton atronach sign ability advantage go away....

not too impressed with any of the cool swords in game, they look cool, but seriously, anyone with saints and a good daedric weapon can make better....

yeah, i am looking for a good sword....

most of the daedric quests dont offer good loot, except the azuras star, and helm of bearclaw....

see, this way, the greedy buggers among us...yeah!!!!

know what guilds and factions to join, and which quests to take... i mean, how disappoining to do the daedric quests for rebuild temple, which takes a long time, and find out gold brand is sucky???

ok, what i need are feedback....

if you join trevanni, you get

daedric cuirass with good feather spell, makes it as light as indoril,
daedric greaves with good feather...

fast eddie can get for you ring and amulet, great for mages, that are both excellent with high charges and multiple effects...

squid helm, that can summon bound helm and dremora for 180? seconds..

the other trev itmes you can get by picking fights with owners...or theft...

what does reldorn get you???

and hlau???

and the tribunal temple and imperial cult and guard and fighters quests???? not interested in stuff you can pick up in dungeon, but spoilers for those itmes would be nice too....

st roris robe is killer, makes you unkillable, but you can loot off the dungeon, i think, and i wouldnt be caught dead wearing it...


pls post for the greedy among us...

you know you are, just admit it...
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Post by Ares2382 »

User, man, do you always have to write such long post???
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Post by Archiveian »

You mean disadvantage

curius saviour's hide removes the breton's disadvantage and adds 10% magic resistance to boot.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »


bretons have no disadvantages...

oh, you must mean high elf...but wont do anything about the really ugly avatars the elven classes are stuck with....

hint, hint, the pretty pictures project!!!!

ares, i am just as much a chatterbox in real life, sorry....


yeah, the saviors hide is such a killer unbalancing can be a high elf with atronach or a breton with apprentice and stillbe heavily protected...

just use the stats driven skill picks system,

and be sure to pick two skills for will power,

and you are basically set...

and its easy to get too!!!

just go to tel fyr, and if you have chameleon spell, or just good timing you are set...
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Post by Fitch »

Why does everyone dislike GoldBrand so much? Isn't it possibly the best one-handed weapon in the game? or am i missing something? Spoilers!

It's best attack does 10-50 damage then on top of that it adds 10-30 fire damage (avg 20 fire damage). This not only makes it the best one-handed weapon in the game, but it even gives many two-handed weapons a run for their money. The Daedric Crescent's best attack does 20-50 (the minimum damage really doesn't matter, however, bc if you hold the mouse button for even .5 seconds you are near the maximum) but the GoldBrand does an avg of 20 fire damage as well, so if you want damage, GoldBrand beats the Daedric Crescent. Daedric Crescent does look sweet and has paralyze effect, but again, less damage and two-handed... GoldBrand allows for a nice sheild.

For all those who are in awe at the Umbra Sword... notice its best attack does 10-50 (same as GB) but doesnt add fire damage and is two-handed. No contest here unless you desparately want soulttrap.

The Ice Blade of the Monarch's best attack does 5-50 and adds 10-40 ice damage (avg 25 ice damage). The extra 5 damage makes up for the smaller minimum damage (GB has 10 minumum) but isnt worth using a two-handed sword.

Chrysamere is GB's best competition with a 5-70 best attack, but if you count GB with the 20 avg fire damage, GB is 30-70. Chrysamere also has some nifty spells that can be cast, but again it's two-handed.

Not to mention one-handed weapons attack quicker. All i know is that GB is better than most people give it credit for... sorry, just had to state my opinion. BTW, I know personally enchanted items can be very good, and GB can't compete. So please tell me why the general opinion seems to be that GoldBrand sucks... i cant see how.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

im thinking most people get really annoyed at the long wait time for gold, i did not know gb was so good....

anyway, maybe give gb a try next time....

its low charges are annoying, i mean an artifact should have either

enchants higher than you can cast yourself


a huge number of charges....

still interested in the best of the swords....
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Post by Archiveian »

yeah u are right

Its not bretons you are right. I meant to say the sign that gives 1.5xint and 50% weakness to magic. :)
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