I Aim To Please in Every Way (thanks for the San Miguel!)
Practice makes perfekt, you know.
After all, COMMunicating
is the highest form of service that we, humble servants of the light, can ever hope to aspire to...
A little 'Shine goes a long way.
You, sir, are rapidly making your way towards my black list... Isn't Ode's drooling avatar sufficient?
Ooooh! Does that mean you'll start sending me black text messages? Cool!
*caught red-handed*
Hey! I originally typed "@Ode:
That's a
bad idea...Perhaps you
shouldn't consider adding a "Drool on Georgi" to your sig. Permadrools
never come in handy."
Hmmm...someone's been tampering with my posts again. I wonder who it could be???
Aha, an advantage of a myriad of small plaits... you can easily unplait them, and the worst thing to happen is you end up with crimped hair
Oh, that would work. I was thinking of
real dreds, the kind that leave your hair an absolute mess.
I shall take your word for it, you seem... better informed than the average layman in the concerns of velcro and catsuits.
*ahem* Truly, milady, there is an advantage to being well-read and well-travelled. The fellow that told me about the velcro catsuit was a little questionable, true, but I trust his veracity, just the same.