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Post by Beldin »


**pops in**

BYE @Eerhardt ! Have fun ! I hope your weather is as fine as is ours... :D (currently in Vienna 36°C (97°F ) ) ...

See ya on monday !

**pops out**
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Post by Mysteria »

All drinks on me!
I passed my exams! :)

.. but still no NWN... :( ;)
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Hey, well done @Mysty!*hug*

What would you like to drink tonight? (it's night over here, not sure what time it is over in Luxembourg).
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Post by Mysteria »

Anything you have to offer. :)

It's 6:45pm
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Oookay, evening drinks. What are you wearing and how are you feeling right now?
I have to see what drink will suit your mood and surroundings best. :)

EDIT-That did not work. From now on I leave the bartending to Dusty. Bugger "drinks to suit the customer's mood". :rolleyes:
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Post by Mysteria »

Sorry, grabbed something to eat :)

I need something partyish. ;)
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

That's a relief, thought I'd scared you off or somesuch. Partyish, well that eliminates the need to know surroundings etc. **rummages through the bar, muttering ;partyish, partyish"** Aha! Would madam like one of our limited range Dark Flame drinks? I believe we have a False Dawn Tequila Sunrise, an Abu-Dhalzim's Horrid Wilting C0cktail, and a Wail of the Banshee dry martini.
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Post by Mysteria »

I'll try the best of them then. :)

I'm a bit slow tonight, sorry.
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Nah, no worries. **Puts on some sunglasses, hands a pair to Mysty and starts mixing a False Dawn Tequila Sunrise** You may want to put those on, when you drink the FDTS it does create a False Dawn as per the spell. How's P:T going, by the way? **Serves Mysty a glass of FDTS**
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Post by Mysteria »

finished it! :cool:
I even managed to ressurect all my friends and safe my own life, all by just talking! Great!

*puts on sunglasses and drinks*

*whooosh* *bright light*

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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Sounds cool. Your next project would be NWN, then?

I'd best be off to bed in a minute, it's about 1.30 in the morning here. I'll see you whenever.
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Post by Mysteria »

nighty :)

Yes, NWN is next. :cool:
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

Awesome. Give us updates on your progress when NWN arrives, and let us know what the game's like etc. Now I must be off, have a good weekend. :)

**Flicks on the anti-Weasel sabotage security system, loads up Dusty's shotgun and tells him to shoot anyone who fiddles around with things they shouldn't (excluding getting yourself drinks, having a dip in the hot/cold-tub etc), climbs up into his gunners berth and goes to sleep after a short walk in his personal forest and along the edge of the lagoon** Having a customisable pocket plane for a bedroom is so nice sometimes. :D
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Post by Georgi »

POsted by Eery
Ok, if anything... I think Georgi now owes us an apology and a *hug* or two
It's hardly my problem if you guys were feeling (deservedly) guilty and decided to do penance... :p

@Mysty congrats on your exams :D

I actually only realised when my mum reminded me that my exam (read: my degree!) results are published today... :eek: How did that slip my mind? :rolleyes: So they should arrive tomorrow (if the university isn't being too tight to post them first class, that is)... :eek:
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Post by Weasel »

Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper

**Flicks on the anti-Weasel sabotage security system, **
*Begins to read "101 ways to disarm a Anti-Weasel Sabotage Security System" *
"Vile and evil, yes. But, That's Weasel" From BS's book, MD 20/20: Fine Wines of Rocky Flop.
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

I never said you owed me an apology, I just needed a shave and figured I could kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Nonetheless I'll still take any spare hugs you have...

How do you think you went in your exams, @Georgeous?

@Weasel-Would you seriously mess with a homicidal drunken bar-monkey with a double-barreled shotgun? Ask for a martini after your kneecaps have been blown off, he mixes some really good ones. :)

**Activates an anti-Weasel cloaking device and casts Protection from Weasel and Protection from Sabotage over the Rolling Thunder**
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Post by Tamerlane »

So is the safe house open on weekends?

I have few minutes to waste.

*Takes out notes*

I'll have a J.D *Rechecks notes*

Yep, that sounds right, oh darn talk about having a busy schedule :eek: :rolleyes:

Someone keep an eye on my *Checks notes once again* J.D ;)
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Post by Ode to a Grasshopper »

It isn't normally, but in your case I'll make an exception 'cos you're a mate.

**Gets Tammy a JDs on the rocks, and gets a second one for himself**

When do you want to do that NGE night, by the way?
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Post by Tamerlane »

So much for being gone for a few minutes, thanks Ode ;)

The NGE, hmmm after this week I am free. *yay* :D
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Post by Georgi »

Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Nonetheless I'll still take any spare hugs you have...
*checks pockets* Look at that, I'm all out. :D
How do you think you went in your exams, @Georgeous?
Exams weren't bad, coursework was good :D Plus the fact I did very little work last year... means a 2:1 is not bad. :D (Yes, our universities have a really weird system... a 2:1 is the second highest class degree you can get, so it's pretty good. :) )
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