Yesterday I decided I needed to bleach my hair - The roots were more than visible. What I really wanted however was not to have it blond, but white. A highly uncomfirmed rumor told me that it would help if I dyed it blue before bleaching, so that would be my course of action. I started out with this only a few hours before going to work as I figured it wouldnt take too long.
The first problem I encountered was that the particular dye i bought didnt come with gloves, and I didnt have any at home, so I decided that what the hell, it will probably wash of with a little work. So I proceded happily with the dyeing and didnt really worry about it. Another small problem was that dyeing it blue requires your hair to be blond to start with, wich it was - except the roots. But I didnt think it would matter much as I figured it would be nicely masked when I bleached.
Everything else went nicely and after half an hour or so I had nice blue hair and should begin bleaching, wich I did. The third problem hovewer was that my bleaching-agent wasnt strong enough to wipe out the blue color. Instead it turned into a not so nice shade of cyan. When I started my hair was also slightly brighter closer to the tops (as I had bleached it multiple times previously) wich resulted in a different shade of cyan there. This is however not obvious when the hair is still wet, so I decided everything was fine.
So I started the cleaning procces of my hands while waiting for the hair to dry. Obviously the color didnt wash of - at all, not even on the nails. In addition I had some patches of black nail polish left wich formed irregular patterns together with the blue.
After a while I realized that i was already late for work. So I hurried away with blond roots, rest of the hair in different shades of cyan and nice blue hands that looked like the result of some childs play with his paint-box. Nedless to say my carriage that day look quite much like that of a wet cat.
Edit: The moral of this story - Figure out yourself.