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Xbox version cheat problem

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Xbox version cheat problem

Post by Le0 »

I kinda found a cheat by accident (Hold X+L+R triggers while having a bound item drawn, and the skill that comes with the weapon goes up very quickly). The problem for me is that I want no part of that cheat, but I can't go back to the point where the cheat wasn't applied yet, because that save is WAAAAAY old, and I hardly feel like repeating my 2 days' journey. Is there a way to reverse the cheat? :confused:

EDIT: I was really looking forward to finishing the main quest and then 1 by 1 finishing guilds' quests, but now with my long sword and my marksmanship skills around 500, it does not really seem like much of a challenge, which I sincerely regret...
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Post by cheesemage »

Well if you are telling the truth, try resting for 24 hours, restarting the game, and if all else fails try using a diffrent weapon type.
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Post by Le0 »

:mad: I always tell the truth... Anyway, I've been playing for 2(real) days since the cheat got enabled (90 in-game days) and it seems to still be there. Since my Xbox froze a few times, and I've had to reset it, that option didn't seem to work out either. As for using different weapons: they're all at 5's since I've only trained with long swords and bows.

Is there maybe some way to decrease skills selectively, or disable cheats?
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Post by cheesemage »

Train Blunt weapon and block to 30 or 40 and go from there.
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Post by Scayde »

Yes, The cheat is real,
Yes it is permanent,
Cheese mage has the only practical solution though, if you don't want the bonus.Switch weapons at least untill you get your stats to around 100 in the other skills, then no worries, you've earned the bonus and you can switch back 'cause no matter what ridiculous number is displayed (For Fun I ran Axe up to 23,000) in reality it maxes out at 100 and your levels are completely unaffected because the game treats the cheat as an enchantment. So if, for example, it is long sword, switch to short sword, etc. and have fun knowing in a really tight spot, you have an ACE in your pocket.. ;)

Scayde Moody
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Post by Le0 »

so the skill enchantments dont go over 100, as parameters do? that's great, cause i've had 98 in long sword and 87 in marksmanship, so i'll cancel out the cheat in no time :)
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Post by Scayde »

so the skill enchantments dont go over 100

Mmmm...Just want to make sure I didn't mislead anyone. You can increase your skills to over 100 with enchanted items, but this is stacked on you base skill level which in reality maxes out at 100 (even if the cheat puts the numbers into orbit). Sorry if there was any confusion. :)

Scayde Moody
(Pronounced Shayde)

The virtue of self sacrifice is the lie perpetuated by the weak to enslave the strong
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