My quest this summer is to create a Guinness ice-lolly with a head. It may sound unlikely, yes, the misinformed even say impossible
So far I have come up with these ideas, all to be tested when I can persuade the bloke at the deli to serve me
- Pour some guiness into a lolly mold and see what happens.
- Use dry ice, stolen in the middle of the night from Pinewood Studios to super-chill a lolly-mold, and then pour the guiness direct into that, hoping that it will freeze solid as it is poured in, and the head with it.
- Program some remote controlled robots which are stored at the Peers (Peers is a local school and technology college) Tech. Department to break into the secure Peers Tech. vaults and steal liquid nitrogen which is stored within, before transporting it downtown to our base of operations. Then pour the Guiness directly into the liquid nitrogen, as it will freeze solid withing the liquid, forming a rather cool and swirly type of lolly.
- Attempt the feat at sunset either at a)Stonehenge, b)The Bermuda Triangle c)The Pyramids or d)Upside down inside one of those two-dimensional bottles which has no inside and no outside.
So which course of action is the most likely to be fruitful? Have you any better ideas which you can share with us?