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Help wanted with high level temple quest

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Silver Knight
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Help wanted with high level temple quest

Post by Silver Knight »

I currently have to make pilgrimages to the "Four Corners" in order to replace the Archcanon in Vivec. The first is Malacath. I am supposed to find his shrine on Dagon Fel - I presume this is the statue of Malacath guarded by a bunch of Orcs who did not last long - donate 4 Daedra hearts and recite Vivec's "Four Corners of the House of Troubles".

I deposited the hearts on the plinth upon which the statue stands but nothing happened. Do I have to read/have a specific book or something in order to recite the relevant passage and, if so, where can I obtain the same?

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Post by Tybaltus »

Keep the hearts and just click on the statue like how you talk to anyone in morrowind-if pc version hit the spacebar. The hearts will be lost and the quest completed once you talk to the statue.
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Silver Knight
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Post by Silver Knight »

Thanks, Tybaltus, I am now stuck with another of these temple quests. Do you know where to find the glove "The Gambolpuddy" in Ald Daedroth?

When I am head of the Temple, I think I will abolish fetch and carry quests and stick with the "bring the justice of the Temple to whomever...." type.

I have to say though, wreaking slaughter on the "dancers" in Ald Daedroth was a lot of fun! :D

Unfortunately I had killed most of the "goldhats" before I realised they were the good guys :o
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Post by Tybaltus »


Galmolpuddy is very hard to find. I dont remember who told me this there but someone said that the glove is under one of the pillows on one of the bedrolls where you find the scamp that sells alcohol. Look under both pillows, and there it will be found.
“Caw, Caw!” The call of the wild calls you. Are you listening? Do you dare challenge their power? Do you dare invade? Nature will always triumph in the end.

[color=sky blue]I know that I die gracefully in vain. I know inside detiorates in pain.[/color]-Razed in Black
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