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Alleged theiving skills?

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Alleged theiving skills?

Post by baileyatbrats »

Is it me, or is my rogue useless when if comes to theiving?
(Actually all of my characters.)
My half orc monk/ rogue 3rd/3rd is incabable of picking a lock (well, he did it once)
Also how does one find traps? I've clicked the search button. (I had three characters searing in the last room.)there was a da trap on a chest. No one found it. I tried waving the mouse, I tried walking around and waiting around. Nothing. Just plain nothing. I know these are the methods used in the other black isle games, but I can't discern from the manual if I should be doinging something else.
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Post by fable »

Odd. I've never had a problem with my thief being unable to pick a lock, and he notices traps about 95% of the time. Have you given him the maximum in these respective skills every time he made a level?
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Post by baileyatbrats »

That may be the problem.
I only started as a rogue a 4th level.
maybe he'll get better.
Thank you
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Post by fable »

I'd suggest that your rogue is behind the curve, as a result. Keep pouring on the skill points, and probably within 6 levels or so you'll be doing very well. :)
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