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More on skills?

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More on skills?

Post by lompo »

1) Which is the max lvl you can reach in a certain skill when you are multiclassing?
Exemple: a rogue 6/ wizard 6, which is the max lvl he can get to, say, open locks?
If I max the skill distribution of the points gained as rogue, I am still able to raise that skill with the point I gain with wizard?

2) Compeared to your char. lvl, how much should you raise your skills to have them effective?

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Post by fable »

The max level really depends upon the level of playing difficulty. I recall reading the devs state that on a normal setting, your characters should be able to accumulate 30 levels, however those are divided. Of course, if you're playing harder, and especially HoF, it will be a lot more.
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Post by koz-ivan »


fable, i hate to say this but either i'm misunderstanding you or your 30th level comment is flat out wrong.

my party just started the final chapter at aprox lv 16, (party o'six medium difficulty) no way a party could get past 20th lv, let alone approach 30 w/o some reimport hijinks, or dale keeper fun.


i forget offhand what the max skill levels are i think it's your level +3 ???

you can use wizard skill points to raise your rogue skills but the cost will be double. and you will not be able to put points into "use item"
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Post by fable »

You're right. I misinterpreted something I'd read on the IWD2 FAQ several months back, as follows:

Q: What will the level-cap be for Icewind Dale II?
A: The level cap in the game is set for 30. With the 3rd Edition multi-classing rules, your character can only be a total of level 30. For example, 9th level Wizard, 11th Fighter, 10th level Bard is equivalent to a 30th level character.

Obviously, that's a limit, not an average. Thanks for catching the error. :)
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