I used poor spectral blade once... the shortest lasting summon ever...
I was wondering, if Anomen is turned into a dog, then kicked out of the party and charmed, does it qualify as sacrifce for the demogorgon's altar?
Has anybody tested it?
Where we came from, we don't know
Where we're going.... (even worse)
And about who we could be, we actually have trouble in clearly defining the term "to be" in the first place...
Another update. Naturally not as massive as the last one, but some details have been added and a few errors corrected. All listed in the History, of course.
Plus, it's moved. Here. Should load much faster now.
[url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/SpellsReference/Main.htm"]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
[url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/SpellsReference/Main.htm"]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
Completely reworked the huge immunity tables in the Appendix.
Added elemental protection overview to Spell Protections.
Added magic resistance to the spell protection removal overview.
Mentioned haste not giving whole bonus attacks if you already have a half one.
Mentioned polymorped Project Images being able to attack.
Mentioned Throne of Bhaal bosses immune to Time Stop not being immune to the Wish Time Stop.
Mentioned Simulacra not losing special abilities.
Mentioned Magic Missiles striking in pairs.
Mentioned Draw Upon Holy Might's regenerative use.
Mentioned Mislead decoys being able to sing Bardsongs.
Corrected the Fallen Deva's spell selection.
Mentioned Shadow Door, Mislead and Improved Invisibility not providing the Armor Class bonus improved invisibility is supposed to provide.
Mentioned Limited Wish for riches not giving the 2000 gold.
Mentioned the Shapechange Mindflayer shape not having the usual magic resistance.
Described the way haste makes you live twice as fast.
Mentioned Tenser's Transformation possibly worsening THAC0 for Fighter/Mages.
Minor changes.
[url="http://www.sorcerers.net/Games/BG2/SpellsReference/Main.htm"]Baldur's Gate 2 Spells Reference[/url]: Strategy, tips, tricks, bugs, cheese and corrections to the manual.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.