Loredweller, I already found the guy that they're talking about with a worm creature? I can't remember the name of it right now, but, I talked to him & had already found the hand before he even told me about it. I also even found the ring before it was even mentioned when I went into the room where the pipes are. My character started freaking out because, he kept hearing the words that the man spoke, & it was making him feel like he was losing it.
Anyhow, I found the key, & have yet to find the last item, but, am unsure what order to unlock the pipes?
Another thing, about Sunray and the Daystar, I'm still kind of confused why it's not working, or maybe I'm just not using them in conjunction with each other?
But, how can I use them both at the same time, if 1) I'm as close as I can get to the vampires to use Sunray, & not close enough to strike with the Daystar?
I read the manual, but, can't find anything in reference to how it should be used. BTW, my character just went up a level & is now a level 10 Paladin. I'm not sure if being a high enough level has anything to do with it. My cleric, Jaheira, is also a level 9 cleric. Isn't she high enough to be able to use False Dawn? Or is it Anomen that's supposed to use it? If so, he's at level 9. Any tips, suggestions, cards & letters are very much appreciated!!!
Thanks in advance for all your help!!!