This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
- The Helm of Clavicus Vile
- Fists of Randagulf
- Spells for : Bound cuirass, bound shield, Bound Longsword, restore fatigue
- The location of the daedric shrine with the dude with the ebony armor (little vague I know)
My previous character has these items but I never made any markings on my papermap of their locations so now new game new char but I do not know where to find these items.
Not an answer to your post (sorry ) but hoping that whoever replies to your post can also explain what a "Bound" spell does? What is the benefit of having a bound sword?
Well bound items do not have any weigth and give you a bonus for example a bound bow gives +10 marksmanship and a bound helm gives +5 armor class bonus etc ideal for people with either low strength or other heavy items.
Just a small correction: IIRC, Dagon Fel necromancer quest comes from Imp.Legion and is given in Moonmoth Fort. One can deal with the Sorkwil (sp?) the Raven any time he wishes, however, it could spoil nothing. There is even enough complains from local population to be motivated in light of RPG, too.
...for tomorrow never comes ...
Originally posted by UncleScratchy The Fists are found in the Caves of Ilunubi, North of Gnaar Mok not far from Khartok's Point (where you had the new shrine built and got Goldbrand). Its the same caves you need to go in as part of the main quest. They are tucked behind some chests. This place is crawling with Dagoth Ur's minions so it should be a lot of fun. I suppose you can go in before you get the quest and retrieve them - you probably won't meet Dagoth Whatshisname tough, but I could be wrong, in which case you will most likely get corprus disease. But no big deal because one side benefit of corprus is that you can eat the parts of your body that fall off.
Originally posted by Fairmaiden ...Bits of your body fall off when you have Corprus and you can eat them???!!!
What kind of sick weirdos make these games...?!
No, it is not going so far, developers have prudently avoided this aspect. Your suffering is rather internal and affects your attributes instead of your exterior There's no doubt you are at least as holy as the piligrim you have to get out of Vivec on Temple duty so it even never sows up in your portrait (most of others notice your illness altogether) You can get some benefit from your condition, though
...for tomorrow never comes ...
Originally posted by UncleScratchy I was afraid of that. I got that info off a website that's pretty reliable but it didn't sound right because I could swear I've already picked them up and I've not been in Ilunibi cave. I thought I got them as a reward for doing a Imperial Cult quest. I will try to verify that I have them (in my stronghold most likely), my journal might mention them.
Hehehe well that's why I intend to make markers on my interactive map of the locations of good items makes it easy to find things later on.
Ok the info about the fists was correct after all, guess those caves are more of a maze then even I knew. I also found the spell of restore fatigue. It was in molag mar temple.