Oi - too many people to answer
Originally posted by frogus
Please talk to us …
Ummm … I am talking to you.
Originally posted by frogus
Please Lazarus, although I do not believe that I will be able to define morality among a group of free thinking atheists, and hence I will not be able to present a reasonable argument against this statement, think about how this sounds. It sounds monstrous.
The statement you refer to is that I do not believe aiding Ethiopian war refugees is a moral act. I stand by that. Call it monstrous if you will. I find egalitarianism monstrous. To further expand, however: I view the aiding of those less fortunate as … very nice. Go ahead and do it if you like. I think it is just dandy. I will not, however, claim that
to be moral one
must help those less fortunate. But that is precisely what those of you who propound socialism/communism/egalitarianism give as a reason for taking money from my pocket at the point of a gun: because it is the “right” thing to do. It is for some “greater good.” It is “morally justified.” I disagree for all of the reasons I have stated.
Originally posted by frogus
… The cause of equality is best served by promoting socialist politics, fraternal spirit and gaining positions of influence from whence to use the will of many, rather than just yourself.
If you say so. It sounds a little like a cop-out to me. You proclaim equality as the ideal, but sit back in your comfy chair posting to GameBanshee while Ethiopia starves. Do you feel guilty? Or do you think that voting Green is enough to get you out of egalitarianism purgatory? I don’t mean to sound sarcastic (well maybe a bit), but I really don’t understand how you justify this kind of dichotomy.
Originally posted by frogus
There is a limit to when we have shared enough - when everyone embraces equality, and is born with equal opportunities for happiness and success as everyone else. Suffering is neither here nor there.
Ah. Lovely.

If only to reach this beautiful utopia you didn’t have to eat the rich. You have pointedly not responded to my assertion that any method of wealth/resources distribution involves forcibly robbing and/or enslaving a certain segment of the human race. If you openly admit that this is so, and that you desire it – fine. We will agree to disagree. Until you have answered the point, you have ignored the one main point I am trying to get across here.
Originally posted by frogus
Here you have made a bad logical mistake - you are mistaking sharing for *the whole of morality*, when actually it is just a part of morality. Your sentence: "if it is moral to give, but there is no one to give to, then you can’t be moral!" Is similar to "If a penguin is a bird, and the penguins die out, there will be no more birds!"
I tend to disagree. I believe that you can’t divide up morality, or say that an act is sorta moral, or pretty much moral. Maybe. But I don’t know that that is really pertinent. You state above that you believe your morality is best served through efforts other than simply giving. In that case, the quote (of mine) you refer to here is not pertinent – it discusses the giving of wealth.
Originally posted by frogus
Sorry for the long post - here is a summary - Equality will only be acheived with powerful politics, not with meaningless individual donations, and equality is moral, but it is not morality. Everyone need not have exactly the same ammount of money, but everyone must be born with equal opportunities for success and happiness (This way the cream really will rise to the top).
“Powerful politics.” Yes, I would agree with that. The politics of mass enslavement. How many nations does this philosophy have to ruin before you see the pattern?
And just how on God’s green earth do you define “equal opportunities for success and happiness” - !? What does that mean? That everyone is born in the same place, at the same time, from the same parents, who have the same amount of money in the bank, and live the same distance away from the nearest hospital ………. ? There can never, ever, ever be true equality, frogus. So how much are you willing to rob before you decide it is “enough?”
Enough! To quickly finish up some loose threads …
@CE: I think we understand one another. You and I do view freedom differently. I disagree about the man on the island. He
is free. Born into such a situation, he must simply accept the
reality of the situation. To say that he is somehow “limited” is to deny that reality exists and that he has to deal with it.
@fable: hmmm. How do I explain … I meant a “moral system” as:
a system that is moral. Admittedly, this judgment of what is moral is by
my standards. This is what we are all arguing about here – our different standards of morality. I do not view egalitarianism as a moral system, because I view it instead as an immoral system. Does that clarify my use of the term? I think we may just be reading the term in two different ways. I don’t mean a “moral system” as: a system that has a moral component to it. This is more what I mean when I speak of “systems of morality.” And I don’t think that religions are the only kind (I myself subscribe to a certain system of morality, which, of course, is not a religion). I understand your point about religions not dictating morality. I don’t want to discuss religion much because it is far too personal for too many people, but I will say that the way you describe people coming to accept religion is very reasonable, and I wish all religious persons followed that ideal. I don’t know that they do.
(It seems CE just picked up on the exact same sentence as you, and, I think, mis-interpreted it in the same manner. I apologize if I did not make myself clear.)