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Some questions/observations....

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Some questions/observations....

Post by Underdog77 »

First, why can't I get my monk's stunning attack to ever work? I click on that ability everytime and then, even if he hits, I've yet to see any opponent ever get stunned.

Second, has anyone noticed how it's nearly impossible to keep enemy mages or shaman from casting spells by hitting them with missle weapons. This old tried and true tactic never seems to work in IWD2, even when the mage is hit by missle weapons while he's casting.

Finally, am I the only one who finds it to just be sort of stupid that regular grunt orcs, goblins and such have so many dang hitpoints?!
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Post by Gruntboy »

Weird eh? I haven't noticed my fighter's stunning attack work yet.

That's because they have the same abilities as you - probably high Constitution, concentration skill and combat casting feats.

It is pretty dumb - but at low levels you do less hit points per attack so often it seems worse. But I agree, most PnP soldiers and monster grunts would be level "0" or 1.
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Post by koz-ivan »

as i understand the concentration rules in iwd2 / 3e.

it's far easier to disrupt a mage w/ a single blow dealing more damage then it is to give them a thousand papercuts.

since arrows don't do much damage (esp early in the game w/o magic) you may better off w/ an x-bow or thrown weapon, or better yet hacking them w/ a halbred / great axe / two handed sword.


i am puzzled by stunning attack, it never does seem to do much.
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