Originally posted by Mr Sleep
Assuming the intention is to occupy the country, has there been any indication by the Bush administration that occupying is their intention?
I don't think Dubya wants an occupation or to set Americans up to be shot at. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he's smart enough to not want Iraq to become another Vietnam. I think he wants Americans in Iraq long enough to serve him well come re-election time, but he also wants to install a friendly puppet government before casualties begin to mount.
Just out of interest do you think that there is a chance they might use special forces to remove Saddam, I can't recall this being covered, if so just point me to the right place.
It is the official policy of the United States government not to assassinate individuals. We may target the phone Saddam Hussein happens to be holding and he may just "happen" to shoot him along with the phone, but we will not target him specifically. If Saddam Hussein were our target (as I believe he should be, see some of my comments about Iraq being a one-man show in one of the other threads), we could wipe out him and his entire inner circle with a half a dozen cruise missiles and not need to invade another sovreign nation simply because we don't like their leader.
This is politically undesirable for Dubya 1) because it makes sense and 2) it won't get him the political "bounce" in the polls a war provides that he will need for the next elections because his domestic policy is laughable, the economy is headed into a recession, the deficit is out of control and he will not be re-elected by the Supreme Court again.