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Post by fable »

They also made Fallout 1&2, so it wasn't a case of being stupid. Rather, they made certain decisions that simply didn't work out, and were too far along in the development process to try another tack. It happens.
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Post by cjdevito »

I'm hearing real development hell on this one.... doesn't look like a release before Q4 2003 is likely.
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Post by fable »

Somewhere around November, yes. I don't know the cause, though if the delay is no longer, it will be pretty standard.
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Post by Ylossakram »

I've red carefully all the previous replies in the thread and would like to say my opinion:

I am, too, one of those gamers that like to -think- and -plan- while playing so i'll miss a pause feature A LOT :(
A crpg game can't be resolved (especially in multi) by fingers velocity ...
There's somethin i can't damn understand ... what's wrong with turn based combat games ??? They completely rock! But are not developed anymore ... :(
Said this, after fallout and bg series, i swore i would have bought all the Black Isle games to come just to say tnx to them for those amazing games i enjoyed that much, and that's what i'm gonna do ;)
Anyway i won't frig for this one and won't have too high expectations ... who knows, maybe i'll be surprised ;)
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Post by Aremah »

To tell the truth, I'm anticipating Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines a bit more than Lionheart. When I first heard about it, I was awed and really happy, but many things have changed since then. I believe Fallout 2 to be the best RPG ever, and nothing will change that (even though, for example, BG2 is longer and better technically). I love the SPECIAL system and I was overjoyed when I heard of a fantasy RPG with that system implemented. What I can't understand at all, however, is why would they resign the turn-based AP system in combat? It's just needlessly complicating things - it's now realtime, but with a pause function, that ONLY does this and that, etc. I really would like the old turn-based system much more. Oh well, guess you can't have everything. We'll have to wait how it turns out, but I'll certainly be one to buy this game, no matter how low the reviews get - just because I have so much respect for the people at Black Isle and have never been let down by a product of theirs (the first Icewind Dale let me down a bit, but it doesn't really matter).
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Post by fable »

I understand your concerns, @Aremah. Mine center around the lack of control you supposedly have over the actions of your party. This is precisely what ended up turning me off to Arcanum, and made Neverwinter Nights unappealling: the inability to control anyone else who is with you. It's my side; I'm supposed to be in charge, to create battle strategies. If my people are going to step in the way of my ranged weapons or magical attacks, or go after enemies that I'd rather leave alone for the moment, I'm going to spell myself into another gaming universe. We'll just have to wait, and see what happens, I guess. ;)
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Post by Kosala »

Lionheart movie trailer

Hi all!

For those that are interested...

Silven Crossroads has a video trailer of Lionheart here

Lionheart movie link
best regards

Kosala Ubayasekara
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