I have been going the route of Thieve's Guild, House Hlaalu. My comment is in regards to the story correlating with the game text. As part of Hlaalu's quests, you gain control of the Cammona Tongue. You might think would raise you standing with them (one of the only reason's I did it ) but no, they still hate you just the same as if you were not a member.
This is my same observation for the Thieve's Quests, which eventually put you (supposedly) in charge of the Fighter's Guild. But if anything, the fighters like me significantly less now.
Now I realize there is no rule stating that you must love your leader, but in any guild you can join, once you take command, everyone loves you.
Why isn't this consistant with any method of gaining control?
Oh well, for once I am not expecting an answer, I just felt like commenting. Hope you are all enjoying whatever game you are playing right now!
Oh yeah, I remebered where Mr. Bero was
Dram Bero, where is he?
Dram Bero, where is he?
I write the songs that make the whole world sing!
Not realy a spoinler, but maybe something you want to wait and find out for if you want a peek at MW intrigue, highlight below
*Not sur, but it may have to do with a conflict of interests you have going. The Comona Tong are at war with the Thieve's Guild. The leader of the fighter's guild is in league with the 'Dark Brotherhood" Which is at odds with the Morog Tong. The Morog Tong is at odds with the Fighter's Guild...Don't you just love politics *
*Not sur, but it may have to do with a conflict of interests you have going. The Comona Tong are at war with the Thieve's Guild. The leader of the fighter's guild is in league with the 'Dark Brotherhood" Which is at odds with the Morog Tong. The Morog Tong is at odds with the Fighter's Guild...Don't you just love politics *
Scayde Moody
(Pronounced Shayde)
The virtue of self sacrifice is the lie perpetuated by the weak to enslave the strong