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And so it ends Baldurs gate 3?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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And so it ends Baldurs gate 3?

Post by Crypt_Fiend »

killing that sob Irenicus was fun. that cinematic sure was relieving. how I renicus gets attacked by those beasts!. anyway those cowled wizards sitting around the table, do they give you insight of maybe leading to baldurs gate 3?
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Post by Weasel »

Most people think they are not cowled wizards because of the Baal sign on the table.Someone started a topic on this ,but i don't know the name of it.

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Post by The_Pope »

The game desperately needs an expansion! I can't imagine what I'm gonna do once I finish it.
It may sound odd, but if there ever comes a BG3, I don't want it to be 3D, like Neverwinter Nights. Just give me the good ol'isometric view with that sweet Infinity Engine!

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Post by Seabass »

My feeling exactly, Im probably not even buyin NWN, I'm not liking the feel of it, it's not right for RPGs I dont think. Why mess with something perfect?
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Drakron Du´Dark
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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

Yes, I must say that spending eternity in the nine hells without his Magic is a deserving fate for Irenicus.
About BG III, the end of the saga (I Read someplace before BG II was finish that this was going to be a trilogy) should be about ending Bhall Plans for his Rebirth.
Those guys in the end are probably priests of Bhall who are making sure that Bhall plans of rebirth is undisturbed by no one. and are probably going after your character in order for our death fuel Bhall Rebirth. BGIII
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Post by Crypt_Fiend »

It would be a good idea to have it end in a trilogy. Also leaving it in that isometric view. For the idea of the rebirth of Bhaal sounds quite good.
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Post by Ajantis »

Nice Drakron Du´Dark! But it would be much more interesting if bioware could come out something different, which is unexpected by noone. Image
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Post by The_Pope »

There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope! There is hope!

Don't call me pathetic!
Yeah, I think that would be the storyline. Since it is mentioned in the intro but not in the game itself there is a lot of chance for a sequel. I also hope there'll be an expansion. Please...
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Drakron Du´Dark
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Post by Drakron Du´Dark »

One thing we must all Remember this is about being a Child of Bhall, going in a different direction is Fun but destroy purpose ,beside BIOWARE can make games in the ICEWIND DALE line (In the Dales for Example) and BHALL could be resurrected in BGIII and we have to Kill him for good, the region were BG III is going to be that is a mystery for bioware to solve and the problems that arisen because of BHALL resurrection besides the problems in the region should require a lot of brain power to solve.
- Waterdeep city constrution.

- Shadowdale low level adventure module.

- Rashmare /Thay high level adventure module.
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