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Telekinesis trouble

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Telekinesis trouble

Post by Invincible121 »

Ok, this is going to sound really stupid... but how do you make the spell telekinesis work? I've bought it, and then cast it and then... nothing. I don't know what button i have to press to move stuff.

< turns red with embarassment >

I just don't know what to do. Oh, and can you move people with it? Or is it just limited to items?
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

tk is one of the most incredibly overpowering spells...simply cast, then move cross hairs to point at a distant container, beyond the range of your usual access inventory....normally you gots to be right next to a container to open it or pick the lock, right??

with tk, you can be across the room...

why is this so important????

well, with tk, you can literally pick a lock, and open it and grab the loot while you are across the room, out of sight of any guards....this makes theft with low sneak skills easy..

when you have a treasure chest you wish to steal from, like in trevanni vaults, simply find a place where the guards cant see you, sneak, wait until you get the sneak successful icon, then cast tk, point your crosshairs at the chest, pick the lock or use open spell, then steal everything in sight....

you see, usually in guarded areas you got guards right next to the good loot, so sneaking in front of guards takes huge amounts of sneak skill, with tk you can find a corner where the guards can't see you at all, so its much easier to sneak, then use tk to actually make it like you are right next to the chest you want to raid...

actually as of the patch, tk was even more blatantly used to be able to pick pocket at long distance using tk, even attack with a meelee weapon at range using tk...hahhehehhehhehehehh ;) :p
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Post by Scayde »

Cast Chameo, sneek through, cast tk, use your 'master key' ring, (You do have one don't you? :p ), unlock everything in sight. Go back and steal at leasure :D ;)

You can even steal while chameo while in sneak form across the room with TK :D

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Post by Moonshadow101 »

TK makes no sense. theoreticly the object would float over to u. If i was a guard, id get suspicius if a glass tower sheild just floated of the shelf!
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Post by j0ckser »

Also extremely useful to safely detonate traps! It's much more fun than using a probe.
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Post by Scayde »

Originally posted by j0ckser
Also extremely useful to safely detonate traps! It's much more fun than using a probe.
But you can use a probe with is so cool...stand across the room in chameo, tk a locked door, pick the lock and trip the trap with a probe, empty the vault and never even go near the scene :D

Scayde Moody
(Pronounced Shayde)

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