Wizards Of Eregion Expansion Team Presents:
[url="http://www24.brinkster.com/manveru"]Dagor Laureland[/url]
[url="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IEEAIS"]Infinity Engine Enemy AI Scriptors Council[/url]
I'm not sure actualy i found my post on the black isle i've been talking with weasle and he doesn't think it is and even i'm not sure know the only reason i thought it was cus some one on another board was talking about someone getting the post deleted cus they got the end boss right.But buck it's going to be in words, shall i post it?
It might be like Alfred Hitch(Johnson! ) he made sure that everyone knew what was going to happen in Psycho just so the tension and fear was increased, the theory being that if you know exactly what is around the next corner you are more scared. The truth of this is debatable, but he was the master of suspense so......maybe he has a point
I'd have to get drunk every night and talk about virility...And those Pink elephants I'd see.
It's all conjecture, it might well be a character called Adahn who has arrived from the Blood War on a killing spree.... but then you'd had to have played P:T to appreciate that one
As far as i am concerned leave it alone, no one likes the term i told you so, best not to nark everyone off.
I'd have to get drunk every night and talk about virility...And those Pink elephants I'd see.
You have really dropped the ball on this one Craig....
When logic and proportion,
Have fallen sloppy dead,
And the White Knight is talking backwards,
And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"
Remember what the doormouse said.
He is talkin' about the guys who are ploting against your PC in the end cinimatic. That is pretty cool though, how the face of that bloke, who seems like the leader of the little group, turns into the skull symbol of Baal, I'm stickin with the idea that Baal isn't dead, he is dying and he set up this whole story as a test to see who shall succeed him. The last boss, I think, Will be dear ole' Dad himself!
Imoen's My sister... What about that time in the library.....!!!
Yeah Grendaal, I think you're right. If we defeat the demogorgon, a great wyrm and a demi-lich by the end of ToB, I don't think that a few wizards will cause us much trouble.
Nick_Dude is a proud member of the Shadow Mages. All who stand in Shadow Mages' way will fall!!
A party vs. party fight would be the sweetest thing ever. Can't wait for one. Those guys at the end are just some Bhaal followers. Could they really challenge lv 40 warriors and wizards. Could anybody? The final boss is going to be great red wyrm with 2 other dragons and golems and a really powerful party that seems to have power over them.
[url="http://www.svelmoe.dk/blade/index.htm"]Blades of Banshee[/url] Are you up to the challenge?