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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale II.
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Post by Dex »

Why do all of my party members have different amounts of experience? I thought all experience was split evenly.

I noticed early in the game my party members were leveling up at different times. When I first checked the experience point gap was 5 or 10 points. Now as I am about to enter chapter 3 it is over a hundred. My party members meet the favored class requirements so I am not being penalized for that.

My first character has the most experience the second has the second highest and so on.

If I kill an orc and get 37 exp. does it give 6 points to everyone and then the left over point is given to the first person in line?
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Post by Stilgar »

Experience is divided equally,
but sometimes you can't split it very well.
For exemple:

175xp defided over 6 chracters
1 character get's 30xp, and the rest 29
(30 + 5x29 = 175)

170xp defided over 6 character
2 characters get 29xp, the rest 28
the first and the second character in you're party order get the 29xp.
(2x29 + 4x28 = 170)

So the first character has more XP then the second, who has more then the thirth etc.
You could try to switch partyorder sometimes to ballance the difference, but it doen't realy mather to me cause the difference isn't that great.
I do not have the touch, nor do I have the power.
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