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Elas andem aí, são três e andem aos pares

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Ennian Kether
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Elas andem aí, são três e andem aos pares

Post by Ennian Kether »

I have a doubt on port last, chapter II

:confused: on chapter II in front of the crack anvil there is a farme's house. when i enter there there is a locked door, and i require DC:100 on pick locket to open it. i like to know what does that door hide. does anyone know? :confused:
E'nyan Kaeth'r
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Post by IHateUsernames »

go into DM and walk/transport to area and just use DM unlock. I do this if i need informatio or anything. Or bash the door. Or maybe you need a key and are not supposed to go there

DC 100. This is impossible as the higest posible roll is 44 when not in batle. Take 20 (You get a 20 on your roll) and you cant get more than 24 points in a skill. that recuries many items that boost pick lock
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Just how much can i get away with, and still go to heaven?

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Post by Demis »

EDIT: Are you talking about the door inside Wanev's Cottage? You need a key to open this one.

Spoiler Highlight to see

Talk to Elaith Craulnober at the Arms Alliance Inn and he will give you key if you are rogue or make a succefull persuation check.
"When I am working on a problem I never think about beauty. I only think about how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong."
Buckminster Fuller
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