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how do i kill the demon (in the under dark)

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how do i kill the demon (in the under dark)

Post by Crovax »

Golander, a Svirfneblin, asked me 2 kill a creature for him. But somehow I cant do it damage. Its really frustrating because up till
now I hadn't reloaded a single time. And now after trying 15 (probably more) times, I still cant kill that ugly winged creature (funny that some creatures have wings and don't use 'm but that irritating Aerie keeps wining about her damn wings)

PLS HELP ME (I know it will probably be a simple solution that I missed being sober)
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Post by Bill »

The demon can be struck be magical weapons.I think +3 or better weapons can hurt him.It is unlikely that you haven't found such weapons by now.If not,try looting the equipment of some drow patrols in the area (they drow are usually equipped with +3 swords,magical flails and some nice suits of armor that your mages can use with no penalty).
It is good idea to summon some creatures to aid you in the battle (like nishruu).Use your melee characters hasted and protected by hold or mind affecting spells (like confusion etc.-i remember the demon casted stun or hold spells).He is magic resistant-i basically beat him in melee.
Anyone with extra information should reply to this post.
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Post by Vanidar »

Well I don't know if this is available to you but when I fought him I cast Protection from Evil on everyone and summoned a Pit Fiend close to where the Balor appears while I kept my party well up at the top of the room so they would be out of the range of the Pit Fiend's Fire Ball spells.

Surprisingly the Balor was able to take out the Pit Fiend but he was pretty weak by this time. Then I bum rushed him with my melee types and cast Bolt of Glory with Aerie.

If you don't have the lv 7 Priest spell Gate then I would suggest you use Bolt of Glory as much as possible. This spell does 10d6 damage to demonkind without a save I beleive. That alone wil soften him up quite a bit.

Be warned thoug I had to relaod this two or 3 times because the Balor seems to have an Area of Affect stun spell or attack. From experimentation it seems as though the stun is in a conical shape. When I beat him it was the pit fiend who took the stun attack (which is also probably why the Pit Fiend lost the fight) and after I was free to do whatever. Ranged attacks are your friend here. I Had both Jahiera and Imoen using ranged weapons while Minsc, Keldorn, and my character started to pound on him. I think Keldorns Holy Avenger also made a biug difference in the fight.

Anyway, a good solid strategy to start with is to use Bolt of Glory. Then work around that spell when trying to figure out what the rest of your party should do.
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Post by Maurice »

In one attempt I also summoned a Pit Fiend ... for some reason, the Balor waxed him without taking damage himself in a few hits.

I ended up summoning two skeletal warriors, and two sword spiders, and then casting every beneficial spell I had memorized. This cost me only one sword spider in the end.
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Post by Crovax »

Thanks I tried it , and it worked. I used a combination of skeletons and spells (and those drow weapons). I'm actually a cavalier and since I do play a lot of AD&D, I was reluctant to loot the bodies of the dead (paladin code and my sick sense of justice).

It seems to me that to really enjoy and experience the rpg genre on the pc you should be able to stick to your codes and still win battles. When I play AD&D and we are all good (lawful and neutral) we never use dark magic (skeletons and that kind of crap). I think it is drawback of the game that ALL BIG MONSTERS HAVE MAGIC RESISTANCE (golems only scare toddlers!!!!!!), it really bores me to death and all your magic crap (missiles, fireballs, sleep, lightning balls) wont work.

Did u guys also think that the mindflayer dungeon and the beholder dungeons were to much of a good thing, cause guys come on how much fun is it to witness that stun 100 times in 1 area????

It also bothers me that all the big fight up till now have been indoors. The great thing about bg1 was (for me that is) that u could walk a lot in the forest (and finally use your lightning spells).
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Post by Bill »

It seems that the paladin abilities have somewhat changed through the course of years and in my opinion reduced.
In older CRPGs paladins,in addition to their +2 to saving throws,resistant to magic and poison and being immune to diseases,they possesed this aura of protection from evil.That means that this was not an ability given by a spell but an innate ability of the paladin.This aura worked like a never ending protection of evil spell.Every evil creature who attacked a paladin in melee always suffered a -2 penalty.Also this aura protected all allies who were standing adjacent to him.I remember in some old CRPGs that players were adviced to have their melee characters next to the paladin in combat in order them to be protected by this aura as well.
Something else that i have noticed is that the function of the protection from evil spell is different between BG1,IWD and BG2.In BG1 and IWD casting this spell reduced you AC by 2,something that is not compatible with the spell descriprion-the manual writes about modifying allied/enemy saving throws.Casting Prot.Ev 10' reduced all party members AC by 2 and if the paladin then casted his own spell he had his AC reduced even more (cumulative effect).This do not apply to BG2-that is correct.

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Post by Sherman »

I killed that demon solo when my Barb was level 16. *Shrug*, just kept nailing him (Barb Rage helps).
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Post by Bordin_Steelaxe »


There are not many chars that are lvl 16 at that time I assume Image

Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel Image

[This message has been edited by Bordin_Steelaxe (edited 11-10-2000).]
Greetings from the humble adventurer Bordin Steelaxe
The greatest Dwarf in history!... with an axe of steel
D@mn UBB codes!
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