Dual classed berserker/mages - bug?..
Dual classed berserker/mages - bug?..
Quick question for all those BG2'ers out there - I am playing a multiplayer game, created 6 characters to use myself, one of them is a dual classed berserker (lvl7 inactive) /mage (lvl 9 active). I surpassed the xp limit required to activate all my berserker abilities again, and for a time I was able to use a character with good spellcasting ability and grand mastery in q-staff. At some point though, the spellcast button disabled for me (as it would if I out on any kind of armour) and I cannot cast spells anymore. Funny thing is, I can still use my quickspell abilities and I can still learn spells etc.. This is nothing to do with any armour or items I am equipped with, can someone tell me what the hell is going on?? Is this a bug, or an aspect of the game I am unfamiliar with?
ah, sorry, a little misunderstanding - I dualled from a berserker to a mage, and I am currently standing at about 164000 XP for mage (lvl 9) and 64000 XP for berserker (lvl 7). By all logic, I should be able to use my berserker abilities (which I can) as well as being able to cast spells (which I cannot, although I CAN learn spells, and I CAN use my 3 quickspell slots to cast spells).
An almost forgotten bug, as it was solved by the first official patch IIRC. Happened only with dual-classed berserker/mages.
It's strange that you were able to cast spells for a while, though..
It's strange that you were able to cast spells for a while, though..
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You can get the official patch from Bioware, or just go directly to
For the definitve patch set. You'll still be playing the vanilla game, but with most of the bugs neatly fixed.
You can get the official patch from Bioware, or just go directly to
For the definitve patch set. You'll still be playing the vanilla game, but with most of the bugs neatly fixed.
I have given up all lesser evils as inadequate to my purpose.
Re: Patches
Bugfixes from Baldurdash do not include the official ones, you still need those
Originally posted by nephtu
You can get the official patch from Bioware, or just go directly to
For the definitve patch set. You'll still be playing the vanilla game, but with most of the bugs neatly fixed.
Bugfixes from Baldurdash do not include the official ones, you still need those
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"Ever forward, my darling wind..."
BG2 - ToB Refinements Mod: Forum and announcements
"Ever forward, my darling wind..."