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I need help

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I need help

Post by blueimpulse5000 »

Ok i'm stuck in chapter 2, neer the last boss. I can't get past the door to even fight him. I followed the guide on this site for help and i still can't get past the door. I keep dying >.< its very frustrating.
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

I would suppose you mean the Avatar of Talos, in this case. All you need to do is fire a lightening bolt from the prism machine (in the center of that temple level) at that door. The thing is, you have to have it so that you're firing the machine north, and that the positionable mirror is facing to the left. After the way into the area (as in the secret door in the wall) is uncovered, the lightening bolt will fire in, opening the door.

If you're having trouble getting out to access the machine, you have to let one character be exposed to the shadow on the floor (and only take one point of magic damage), and then click on the doorway (which says "Embrace the Shadow!" when a character would click on it otherwise). The door will open like magic, and so you'll be able to do what I posted in the first paragraph.

Does all this make sense to you?
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Post by blueimpulse5000 »

Ok ... let me get this straight.

1.) Set up the mirror
2.) Fire the cannon north towards the mirror
3.) Then the door dosen't open ><

Am I supposed to just shoot at the door then go to the transporting stairs and say "lysan" then have one character go inside the shadow and another go to the door that says "embrace the shadow"? Then that shoud open the door?
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Oh, my mistake. :o

Do the whole "Lysan" & Embrace the shadow" stuff first, then fire the lightening ray into the room. The directions were a little reversed.

IOW, it's like this:

1) Go into the room via the "Lysan" code

2) Walk into the shadow for just one second. Then touch the doorway in the wall.

3) Adjust the mirror to the left.

4) Fire the prism ray at the mirror. It'll ricochet onto the doorway with the shadow over it, and PRESTO!

That should fix things up.
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Post by blueimpulse5000 »

wow thanks that helped alot. I'm now on chapter 3. ^_^ but ... i'm also suck there ... lol I'm wandering around in the Fell Woods and I can't seem to find the Pond that the druid woman was talking about. My whole party's gained at least 1 level just wandering around killing skeletons ..... once again I consulted the guide ... and i found it less than helpful.

I'm supposed to find the Barrow Wight's horn. so I consulted Pairi for the way to find the druid and i found the druid Carynara. She then told me that I had to find the pond then follow her directions. But ... I've been wandering lost and confused ...
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Post by Yshania »

If you have a druid or a ranger (poss?) have them use their wilderness lore, this will give you an indication as to whether you have passed that way before, or whether it is a new area. Be sure to use the lore a couple of times, sometimes tracks are missed on the first effort.
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Post by blueimpulse5000 »

wow ... that is the sweetness :D i'll try that. really cool avatar by the way Yshania.
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Barbarians initially can train in Wilderness Lore as well. Still, if you're looking to use one for WL, I might suggest that you multi-class a barb w/ a level or two of Ranger (for dual-wielding capabilities with light armor equipped as well) or Druid (if you would want to have a Barbarian that's also a bit of a healer/debuff spellcaster as well).

BTW, what is you current party, blueimpulse?
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Post by blueimpulse5000 »

It worked! Ha ha! Thank you so much Yshania. I'm actually getting somehwere now instead of going in circles. ô.ô

I'm just a n00b to the game i'm using this party to find out the inner workings of the game and to find out hot to better prapare a party next time.

I have:

Paladin of Helm
Human - Aasimar
8 lvls of Paladin
4 lvls of Fighter

13 lvls of Druid

Monk of the Old Religion
Human - Tiefling
12 lvls of Monk

Drow Elf
11 lvls of Rogue

13 lvls of Ranger

Wizard (just plain wizard)
Wild elf
13 lvls

In the first party I made I didn't even know about the multiclassing experience hits. So .. i just kept right along multiclassing for the first 5 levels then i restarted the game because the characters were practically unsalvageagle.....
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Post by LadyLore »

I am curious

Are you taking about Icewind Dale II? I am a touch lost... which seems to be happening more and more as of late...

I can't seem to find the pond at the beginning of Chapter 3 and I am at the end of the game... did I miss something?
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Post by blueimpulse5000 »

I found the pond. Its all good. ^_^ I killed the dragons and everything I'm ready to go down into the tunnel thingy inside the river cave. yey!

I was wondering though, since this is my first game and have only a small idea of how to build a good character. SO... i looked at that sticky thread at the top about multiclassing. that helped ALOT. But i'd still like to see a good well balanced party. I want to try multiplayer but I dont' know how to join/initiate a game. I really wanted to do this because I wanted to see someone ele's party and get some ideas.
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Post by Yshania »

Originally posted by blueimpulse5000
wow ... that is the sweetness :D i'll try that. really cool avatar by the way Yshania.

I am glad it worked, and thank you! :)
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Post by blueimpulse5000 »

Uhmm ... I screwed up. In the caves with the hook horrors right before chapter 4 ... I killed the entire fortress because my paladin wouldn't negotiate and didn't like the idea of slaves. Later on after I had saved over the game file i found out I WASN'T supposed to massacre the entire place ... I feel bad now. What did I miss out on?
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Post by Mirk »

you mostly missed out on XP, but in IWD2 it's not always bad as you are getting xp depending on your level, and thus you might have been getting less xp for kills later on.

you made a roleplaying decision - rejoyce!!!

and this is my current party, since i don't think i ever posted it anywhere, and i do consider it to be my best ever:

human rog1/sorcX - arcane spells, dialogue skills, bow & xbow
human mnk1/druidX - druid spells, wilderness lore, sling, some shapeshifting where it counts
human rog3/ran2/mnk3/ftrX - this is the uber 3ed multiclassing monster of mine - scout, duel-weilding with scimitars and maces, and dirty fighting
drow bard1/priest of oghmaX - divine spells, bardsong, identifing skills
shield dwarf pal2/ftrX - tank with exellent magic defences, axes, greatswords, hammers, large swords towards the end
halfling ftr4/rogX - rogue, ranged weapons specialist, some sneak attacks towards the end when the extra damage is heavy enough
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Post by blueimpulse5000 »

whoa hey that's cool a nice party. well rounded i think. depending on what feats and stats you put it into. were you able to get to HOF with that party?
I really like my druid. I made his spells lean more towards summoning though, but i did pump into smashing wave and I'm planning on putting alot more into it because its so awesome. Think I am going to try to make a party of 3 next time because I want to see them level up much faster. thanks for the help.
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Post by blueimpulse5000 »

Ok here goes ... In the black raven monestarey, or rather after it. There is the tomb of the black raven himself. How do I loot it without having to get my butt kicked by the sentinels. Or if i have to fight them than hwo do you beat them because they are uber hard.
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

First of all, what's your biggest problem with them? Are you having trouble damaging them? Is their gas cloud ability the problem?
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Post by Mirk »

here's my strategy for beating the iron golems:

take your party to the northern section of the map, where the gate is. don't open it.

summon 6 undead (using wand of the dead from the ice temple, or spells). level 1 undead from the wand are fine. the reason for undead summoning is their immunity to poison gas.

position the undead at the narrow point of the path, where no more than one char can move shoulder to shoulder.

equip every char with RANGED +3 or better weapons. give the best arrows to the best archers. if you don't have enough for everybody, use the frost darts - they do not cause damamge, but they stop the advancement of the golems.

cast all the buffing spells you can.

open the tomb with one char. run to the rest of the party.

as you see the golems, attack ONE of them untill he drops.

summon extra undead to surve as a block between the party and the golems as they are getting killed.

i was able to finish this without any melle with the golems. if you have to get up close, do it with the highest HP fighter with +3 weapon.

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Post by blueimpulse5000 »

wow that's awesome. thanks alot. I thought I was going to die from a heart attack at several points but i don't know if the loot was worth the trouble. lol you'd think a legendary dude would have better stuff. Ohwell xp is good too.
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Post by blueimpulse5000 »

Err ..... how do I beat the guardian? Its like GIGANORMOUS! I can't even do damage to it. I looked at the strategy guide again but I couldn't do some of the spells that it was talking about. Like Lower Resistance, Disintegrate and Malison. So ... because I couldn't do that I had to try the Alternate means of destroying it, which I'm not sure if i did correctly, because It didn't work and I kept dying ...still. :( (sigh) well at least i don't HAVE to kill him to move on but I really wanted a whack at it.
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