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Hey... this ain't bad

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Hey... this ain't bad

Post by cjdevito »

I picked up Lionheart when it came out but I'd been too busy playing SWG since to spend any time with it. Just started yesterday, gotten as far as being sent to Montserrat and... well...

This ain't bad at all.

I keep hearing how bad this game is, but so far I'm just not seeing it. It reminds me a lot of Divine Divinity. So far my only real complaints are that healing potions are hard to stockpile and that there aren't any PIPboy graphics (heh).

If you were expecting Fallout III, BG III or Planescape II, this isn't it. Taken for what it is, though, it's pretty fun.
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Post by fable »

Wait until you leave the main city. It's an entirely different game, and not (IMO) a good one.
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