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the next game

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the next game

Post by jstattel »

I'd like some advice: I love the whole BG series and I'm currently going through BGII a second time. But I'm getting a little antsy about what to play next. I'm not really into playing the new, hottest titles (ToEE for example) but I'd love to hear your thoughts about what games are worth playing after BGII. Is the IWD series any good? How about Fallout? Others that I may have missed? And are any of these going to be at the same level as BG/BGII in terms of gameplay, story, etc.?

Thanks in advance.
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Post by knarf »

You can import your character in Neverwinter Nights, so maybe that is a good option?
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Post by Zelgadis »

The Icewind Dale series is pretty fun, more heavy on fighting than BG was. Planescape: Torment is also fun, very heavy on story. Both are basically the same as BG for gameplay.
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Post by Loki 65t »

I've played IWD 2 - and I'd say it's a decent game - but without inter party banter and because of the far fetched story it loses to BG2.
Still - you could play it to enjoy some serious carnage - with fireballs flying around and see some very interesting graphic improvements - including spell icons , combat sounds , spells themselves. If they would make BG3 with the IWD2 graphic standards the game would own so much it's scary.

As for an interesting , highly addictive game - I suggest you play
Fallout Tactics. It still has some interesting roleplaying (although limited) but basically a great combat game. If you enjoyed the tough BG2/ToB battles with all it's pausing and tactical issues - then I'm sure you will enjoy F:T.

Planescape :Torment - I'd say it's a must-play for anyone visiting this forum. Seriously - this game can have actual impact on your way of thinking and perceiving the world around you. The game is that good and wierd at the same time. Not the hack an' slash we're used to - a lot more thinking.

About Neverwinter Nights - the so called successor of BG series - disapointment there really. No doubt the graphics and detail of the 3D world , breathtaking spell effects , amazing morphs/summons are exactly what we wanted to happen to BG - but the gameplay lost it's natural charm - due to 2 ppl party.
There are people who call it the best rpg so far - but to be honest I've completed BG2/Tob like 4 times and after 2 attempts I don't have the nerve to complete the NWN campaign. (let alone the SoU expansion which imo sucks - story-wise)

Also - something that you might find interesting. Evil Islands game. Few people heard about it , it's pretty old too - but IMO it was a great title. Decent graphics (full 3d , well animated world ) , a couple of great ideas (you find special material to build your own weapons , armor , infuse them with spells etc. ) and gameplay (sometimes pure combat , but often outrun/outsmart the opponents , options to sneak , crawl - the game was quite realistic - you're a man and that's a giant troll - no way , no how you can beat 10 tons of regenerating meat even with a decent sword.
Wish they made a sequel. :(

I'd have to ponder a little while longer to come up with more titles.
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Post by Derrin »

NWN is horrible. Man, I mean it! I never get such feelings towards games but this game is a disgrace.
I just love BG2: SoA and I just can't understand how these 2 games could have possibly been elaborated by the same crew.
What to expect from NWN:
- DISGUSTING CHARS (they look like some kind of mutants...ugh)
- A STUPID PARODY OF BG (it's not actually but it looks like that)

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Post Scriptum: If you're looking for an even more breathtaking CRPG, take a look at Wizardry8.

Have I already said that NWN sucks?
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Post by Balinor »

I know this isn't the same type of game as BGII, but Heroes of Might and Magic III is an excellent game. It's by far my favorite strategy game. The only problem: getting your hands on it. 3DO went out of business, I believe, and it came out in 2000. Plus a Heroes IV has come out (though it's much worse, in my opinion) since then. But if you have a chance to acquire it, I would strongly recommend it.

And I agree wholeheartedly about NWN. The area is in constantly overcast, day or night. You can't load your BG2 character in it (they scrapped the idea shortly before release). But the worst thing of all is the loss of party personalities and characters. Part of what made BG so endearing was the characters that you got to know throughout the game. In NWN, you can't take more than one character at a time, so you lose all in-party banter, and none of them are true party members, joining your cause of their own free will. They are all mercenaries, and you have far less control over them. BG2 and NWN are so different I don't think it's really fair to compare the two, but as they would inevitably draw comparisons because of the makers, I believe BG2 is a much more complete game.
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Post by Xandax »

THe reason NwN is sub-par to BG-series et al. is the fact that it was mostly made to be a multiplayer game.
So expecting the debth of baldurs gate is kinda high expectations from a multiplayer focus game.

NwN in single player is tedious I agree, but in multiplayer the game can outshine many games, if you play with dedicated roleplayers and world builders.

Fallout:Tactics is a fun game, but rather easy, it is basically squad combat (you controlling 2-6 characters) in the the fallout universe. Not much story, but personally I like tactically games.
The other Fallouts are definately worth a run, and can be aquired rather cheap these days (well I've seen them cheap). Great story in my oppinion.

PlaneScape: Torment never got to me, it is a good game, with loads of debth and great characters/convesations ... but for me it lack "something".

Icewind Dale . Well I tried the first one and stopped fast. It was boring and unimagitory. Felt like diablo to me, with way to much Hack n' Slash :D So never I bothered to try IWD2.
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Post by Loki 65t »

@ Xandax That's true - F:T is easy - but when I played it first time around I didn't know how long the game was so I kept saving all the stuff that I found - so basically instead of using energy weapons and rocket launchers I kept using small guns most of the time... And facing the "larger" foes you meet in the end armed with only sniper rifles , and FN Fal , using up to 4 grenades per mission is a bit challenging. At least I ended up with 120 rockets unused , 400 grenades , about 2000 cells for energy weapons. Heck - I didn't even use one pulse or acid grenade.

2nd time around it was a cake walk - so I punched the difficulty up.
Anyhow - the game was great - nothing like 3 vindicator miniguns hailing mutants with lead with Metallica "Fuel" in the background.
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Post by nephtu »


I don't have any good game suggestions for you - I do think NWN was intended to be a MiMOG - Minimally multiplayer online game - a radically scaled down Everquest/UO/DAoC-type product, and it hasn't succeeded terribly well in that.

Fwiw, when I'm not playing BGII, I play Everquest but it's a brutally unforgiving game in terms of time, computer & connection quality requirements - and it has no "WIN" at the end - indeed, it doesn't have a concrete end.
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Post by Mini Me »

NWN suck suck suck suck in single player, and you cant multiplayer through a firewall (I couldnt, even after the opening the ports).

IWD was good, but not up to BG standards.

IWD2 was better, had some interesting secrets and extras, but (as has been said) the story was not so good. Go here. Now go here even though the 2 places arent linked at all.

I cant find Planescape or fallout anywhere (please help!) so i cant comment. my my what can i say. It is the one true evil. The consumer of souls. The destroyer of minds. The bane of all true roleplaying and fantasy. I used to play, but since the 3rd expansion it has been a terrible game and I HATE it. People have died because of it. You know the message on loading screens in BG2 that says 'Your characters dont need food but you do. We dont want to lose any players'. That ACTUALLY happens to EQ players. Its a sham. They completely unbalance everything and it demands hours upon hours at a time to get in a group or doing anything worth anything. 2 of the expansions cant be used until you meet some requirements, but you have to buy those expansions to meet the requirements!

sorry, but i hate EQ even more than NWN (and i hate NWN a LOT! see the IWD2 forum and look for my rant)

I hope that helps. I DESPERATELY hope it deters you from everquest.

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Post by Xandax »

Originally posted by Mini Me
NWN suck suck suck suck in single player, and you cant multiplayer through a firewall (I couldnt, even after the opening the ports).

I have never had a problem playing through my Norton firewall.
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Post by Mini Me »

it may just be zonealarm?
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Post by nephtu »

Ha ha!

Gee Mini-me, don't beat about the bush, tell us what you REALLY think about EQ :P

Seriously, I wouldn't recommend ANY mmog to someone used to playing single player games - without a vast (and really irrelevant here) discourse on their merits and drawbacks, it's easiest to stay away from that field. My point was more that because I play a MMOG, I don't usually have much time for any other games, except when i'm on the road & can't hook up to my electronic crack dispenser.

In general, minimally multiplayer games are not quite ready for prime time, yet - I suspect that shared multiplayer towns and instanced small scale adventuring (as seen on AO missions, or EQ LDoN) may be the wave of the future, but we shall see.
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Post by Loki 65t »

How about role playing at it's finest .... Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory. :p :D

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Post by nephtu »

On consideration

Notwithstanding your reservations, you (and others) may wish to consider Temple of Elemental Evil, a new release of a PnP classic by Troika. It's extremely retro, for all the game engine is 3.5 edition - the combat is fully turn based - can ya dig it? Less mashing of the pause bar at least.

It's a low level adventure, starting at level 1 - I wouldn't be surprised if we see them doing the G and D modules, if ToEE is a success.

For me, right now it's LDoN when I can, and tactics mod when I can't ;) - wow, Ascension is...challenging. I think I can get it, but it will require a bit of thinking and work. Wiping all my happy spike traps is MEAN.
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