1) What's "ranged touch attack missed"? everytime i cast melfs acid arrow, it doesn't do anything and this message pops up.
2) My EXP for craft armor/weapons doesn't seem to move up for my wizard and for my bard the craft wondrous item EXP doesnt move up either, they are both stuck at 150xp, but for my cleric it keeps going up, its up at around 4000.
3) are the spell feats worth it? like maximize spell and empower spell? it seems that if i use it on like magic missle, it will have to take up a lvl 4 slot, when much of my level 4 spells are a lot more powerful then an empowered magic missile, also, each time i try to add enchantments to the spell my game crashes.
4) what is coup de grace? been searching everywhere for it, no idea wut it is.
5) is there anyway to cure non lethal damage without resting?
i got a lot more questions, just can't think of any right now cuz there are too many
thanks a lot guys in advance!