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Exporting Characters

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Exporting Characters

Post by davfra »

I`ve almost finished BG2 and am looking around for TOB. Could you please tell me how to go about using the same party for the next step? Also, can anything from BG2 be used in Neverwinter Nights?
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Actually, if you install ToB and then beat SoA, your characters - in similar states of stats and equipment as the end of the final battle - will be carried into the beginning of the expansion. A copy of your personal character will be made in the game's character bank, but I wouldn't exactly suggest this method, especially if your character's romancing an NPC. Sound comprehendible?

The BG2-to-NWN conversion, honestly, is nothing I can comment on.
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Post by Xyx »

The BG2 to NWN conversion concept was downgraded and downgraded and downgraded, until they decided to scratch it completely.
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Post by davfra »

`I wouldn't exactly suggest this method, especially if your character's romancing an NPC. Sound comprehendible`

Why`s that? I`m in a romance with Aerie. It`s not important but I think she`s the best member of my team and I`d hate to lose her. She has that Velcron robe and the vhailors helm and oodles and oodles of spells. She`s formidable.
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Originally posted by davfra
`I wouldn't exactly suggest this method, especially if your character's romancing an NPC. Sound comprehendible`

Why`s that? I`m in a romance with Aerie. It`s not important but I think she`s the best member of my team and I`d hate to lose her. She has that Velcron robe and the vhailors helm and oodles and oodles of spells. She`s formidable.

When you import your main character via into ToB (via starting a new game in ToB and importing the Char1 file), you're ONLY importing the main character, the items that they had at the status of exportation, and the stats of that part as well. Your character will not count as having romanced Aerie at all. The only way to make sure that the romance, and many other things (for example, Anomen being Lawful Good or Chaotic Neutral) that your role-playing in SoA stays as they are is to install Throne of Bhaal, and then finish the game, or to load a save file from SoA into ToB via the expansion's menu (which I do not totally suggest, since you may miss some things from the final area, in that case).

If you're looking for an instant continuation into the game, then just beat the final battle AFTER installing ToB.

The only thing is that you will more than likely want to be careful of is that any equipment from a character killed in the battle is re-obtained/re-equipped. This isn't tested, but I've got the feeling that all of the equipment on whatever character is killed and resurrected/raised may disappear.

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Post by davfra »

Yes - thanks for that. I think I`ve solved most of those problems now. I finally got a copy of TOB. From what you`ve said if I install that before ending SOA , then I`ll be ok?
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Post by Numinor »

Yes, if you win the final fight in SoA when ToB is installed you automatically continue with ToB.
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