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Wondrous Item creation (Amulet of Mighty Fists)

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Keill Randor
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Wondrous Item creation (Amulet of Mighty Fists)

Post by Keill Randor »

Hi. I'm trying to create the wondrous item "amulet of mighty fists" for my monk. The spell "Greater Magic Fang" is required, but I don't have a Ranger or a Druid in my party (to my knowledge, only they have access to that spell). Does anybody know any other way I might be able to create this item? It is a MAJOR boost for a monk as it gives a bonus to hit and to damage.

Any ideas would be appreciated.
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Red Baron
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Post by Red Baron »

Does Otis (the smith in Nulb) have Craft Wondrous Item? (I didn't take him on as a party member, so I don't know what he has.) If so, he should be a 10th-level ranger, or at least he is in the PnP module...
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Keill Randor
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Post by Keill Randor »

No, I checked and he doesn't have that feat. Thank you for the idea though. Monks are probably my favorite class, but without some magical enhancements, they are severely limited; especially without any advancement beyond level 10.

It wouldn't be such a big deal, but I have 5 PCs in my party, so I can't add a PC druid or ranger to create the item. I'm afraid I'll just have to settle for some gloves of dexterity +6 and the weapon finesse (unarmed) feat. That will at least give +3 to hit and AC.

Thanks again. If you think of any other possibilities, please let me know!
"I'm not closed minded; you're just wrong."

Bucky B. Kat
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