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guilds:are they gone??

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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guilds:are they gone??

Post by FilipeTeles »

These days I read some old threads and I discovered that some time ago there were guilds, like the shadow mages very nice.Why these are gone?it's not permitted to do a guild thread in this forum?
if someone wants to make a guild just talk to me...!!!!
it opens and expand you mind....You should try it......sometimes.....
A Peace of JaH!!!!!
free your mind.......lose yourself in the haze.......
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Post by fable »

The shadow mages aren't so much a guild, as just people who like to talk about BG2. The site owner nixed the idea of actual guilds years ago, because of how they virtually shutdown other BG sites with constant flames.

No guilds allowed. If you just want to talk about BG2, this is the place for it. If you want to talk about non-BG2 things, try the SYM (Speak Your Mind) forum of GB. :)
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