Is there any reason for that?
party- me(monk),korgan,minsc,cernd(werwolf),edwin(woman),
jaheira(just got back from the harpers to take me there
i did both quest at the same time - caused me to get only 1 rep
and exp only for the djinni's (the first time through the game i
did both quest at the same time but i talked to the djinni after
talking to the maior and only then went back to the maior to get
the 2nd reword and everything happened normally - Jenia
showed up, 2 rep, both exp). i think this is likely to be the reason
but is it supposed to be like that or a bug?
i killed a commoner before talking to the maior to lower my rep
(edwin and korgan were the reason for doing so). I dropped
everyone from my party beforehand (luckily jaheira was with the
harpers at the time so i didn't lose my romance with her), killed
the commoner, raised the rep back to 15 (temple), gathered
everyone back to the party, rested, jaheira arrived, went to the
maior to collect the prise (and the Glory...) and the annoying
little Jenia decided not to show up.
could any of these be the reason? or perhaps something else?
how do i fix it? please help
*I really want closure for reijek...