Do races count in romances?
Do races count in romances?
Will romances still occur even if your main char is a Half-Orc? Or Gnome, or Dwarf for that matter? Sorry to bother about that, it's just i've been wondering... I really wanna make a Half-Orc Kensai, but i also want to have the Aerie romance, i just wanna know that's all ^^.
Usstan inbal l' uyl'udith ssinssrigg jihard wun l' tresk'ri! ^^ And it's true too hehe
Re: hmm
Damnit... then maybe race does count... Well those girls are just shallow if you ask me
Originally posted by Mr Vegas
well, these guys would know more, but when i made a halforc fighter, the dialogue would never show for either npc (jah nor aerie)
Damnit... then maybe race does count... Well those girls are just shallow if you ask me
Usstan inbal l' uyl'udith ssinssrigg jihard wun l' tresk'ri! ^^ And it's true too hehe
Yes, Jaheira, Viconia and Aeire are a bit racistic
Jaheira will only romance Humans, Elves, and Half Elves; Viconia will only romance Humans and Half Elves, and Aerie will only romance Humans, Elves, Half Elves and Gnomes.
Jaheira will only romance Humans, Elves, and Half Elves; Viconia will only romance Humans and Half Elves, and Aerie will only romance Humans, Elves, Half Elves and Gnomes.
There are three kinds of people that no one understands: geniuses, madmen and guys that mumble.
Yes, the Ease-of-Use-Mod contains a "All races/all genders"-Fix for the romances.
There are three kinds of people that no one understands: geniuses, madmen and guys that mumble.
Originally posted by Adahn
All i'm saying, is, if you were a horribly disgusting and disfigured man, wouldn't you like it if a babe like her just landed on your lap?
hahaha, definetly adahn... i was just saying that it seems a little out of context for that to happen, but its your story... have fun
Vegas dreams....
never tried with vic, but id have to say out of aerie and jaheria, i would say jaheria. i keep both of them in my party usually but i just found it more challenging and more fun (funner?) with romancing her. if you dont keep both in your party then its just a matter of who you like or what you need in your party
Vegas dreams....
I tried romancing Viconia when i created an evil party, but the problem is she keeps runing hot and cold on me. i mean i try and I try to be nice or ruthless, but it's like a never ending job interview you know? You hit up the right answers.. and suddenly, she zanes you o.o
Usstan inbal l' uyl'udith ssinssrigg jihard wun l' tresk'ri! ^^ And it's true too hehe
That's how her romance works, you have to be really patient with her
One thing I always wondered about the Aerie romance.... If in Throne of Bhaal a Gnome PC and Aerie get a baby, will it be a gnome with wings and pointed ears ?
Are Gnomes and Avariel even genetically compatible ?

One thing I always wondered about the Aerie romance.... If in Throne of Bhaal a Gnome PC and Aerie get a baby, will it be a gnome with wings and pointed ears ?
Are Gnomes and Avariel even genetically compatible ?
There are three kinds of people that no one understands: geniuses, madmen and guys that mumble.
Originally posted by Numinor
That's how her romance works, you have to be really patient with her![]()
One thing I always wondered about the Aerie romance.... If in Throne of Bhaal a Gnome PC and Aerie get a baby, will it be a gnome with wings and pointed ears ?![]()
Are Gnomes and Avariel even genetically compatible ?![]()
rofl, that would make for an interesting game... what would you classify it as? a gnomish elf? a small/chubby avariel? an avarielian gnome... i think we need to ask boo, he'd know
Vegas dreams....