I was doing a Full Install of my D drive until it got to about 50% and asked for Disc 3. I complied, but the Disc couldn't be read for some reason. I got blue screen multiple times asking me to clean the disc and the drive, and considering both are practically brand new I doubted it was a mechanical error.
I proceeded again, but even though the disc was spinning fine, it couldn't be read. I had to cancel the install and and went to the official FAQ, where it was reccomended that I do a minimal install, then "fake" to a full one.
I tried to do the minimal install, and the same problem happened. Disc 3 couldn't be read.
On one last, desperate attempt to get things moving, I tried to copy components from Disc 3 onto my hard drive so I could just use the path instead of the Disc. Still, it couldn't be read and the components couldn't be copied.
I'm on the older of my two computers, but this is my game PC and has never had a problem with running BG before (Though all of my installs are annoyingly buggy). This disc set is BRAND new and without scratches or anything that would effect the disc's memory. I've cleared out all traces of formerly having the game ever on the computer, but for some reason it still wants to bug the heck out of me.
I think somebody out there is trying to drive me crazy. *shifty eyes*