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"SPOILER" Problem in Vivec with NPC's with all the details

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"SPOILER" Problem in Vivec with NPC's with all the details

Post by Darreha »

This is a big spoiler to new players of Morrowind . I have a character (now level 37) and I let my son play a bit when on missions in Vivec . This is what he did , the mission was to find the killer in the sewer , located in the waste works lower level , using a door in the floor , with me so far ? While the character I play, was looking around for the killer in the sewer (not found as of yet) , there was a Org standing by a door , this was assumed to be the killer(by my son) , as the Org started fireballs on us , without us doing anything , but standing on the other side of the sewer bed , anyways , using those restore health ,magic ect. cheats was able to kill him , then proceded into the door , where there was a gaurd and another guy in a shrine looking room . I belive there was a statue also (not sure though). These two NPC'S started attacking my character and then again using the cheats for restore health ect . my son killed those two NPC's . He emptyed the place of all findings and items found on the dead NPC's . Then my son went up to report that he killed the sewer killer (thinking the guy out the door was he). We were attacked by all gaurds . The problem also was that after the kills in the room(shrine type) he saved it so I could not back step . I was also kicked out of Hailulu House and was not sure why , if that had something to do with it also. I don't care about the spoiler part for my self so anything that could help would be great . Will this effect finishing the game ??? Has any one done this or seen what I'm talking about ??? Thanks Kindly
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Sounds like you killed more than just the daedra worshipers in the secret shrine. Those guys are part of a quest but you can kill them with impunity. There are 3 such shrines in the various canalworks of the cantons, each belongs to a different faction/guild quest. You can wait for the quests or just go ahead and kill them if you want and no one will care. I take it you were in the Foreign Quarter waistworks (because that's where you find the killer for the Ordinators). If not, I haven't a clue who you killed. There shouldn't be anyone else down in that canal works besides the shrine worshipers and the killer. So if your son only killed them it shouldn't have been a problem. Perhaps the Ordinators' attacked you for making a false claim about killing the murderer? Doesn't seem likely though as the dialogs don't usually allow stuff like that. If you got kicked out of Hlaalu House as well then your character must have broken one of their house rules (got caught stealing from a Hlaalu vendor, killed a member of Hlaalu house, etc.). The Hlaalu are not associated with the Ordinators and no one cares what you do in the canal work sewers. One reason Ordinators will attack you is if you wear their special armor in their presence. The reward for finding and killing the murderer is your choice of an Ordinator cuirass or an enchanted belt. Perhaps your son did kill the actual murderer (a crazed female dark elf follower of Dagoth Ur), got the cuirass and put in on. That will get the Ordinators on your case forever more (I don't think they ever forget about it either). And perhaps in fighting an Ordinator he accidentially hurt an innocent bystander who belonged to House Hlaalu. Those are my best guesses that might explain what happened. Anyway, you are so completely screwed now that you may be better off restarting the game or going back to an older saved game.
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Post by Det100 »

hold it! hold it! Now i dont know if starting a new game is completely nessesary. I accidently had a peice of the Ordinator armour on once and now the Ordinators in Vivec dont really like me. But only the ones that are partroling the cantons attack you, just avoid them and your good. As far as the sewer people, yeah ive killed them i know what youre talking about, they have some good stuff, the same thing happened to me only i didnt get kicked out of Hllalu as i was not yet a memeber. But i thought you could just make amends? anyway, give that a try and avoid the Ordinators in Vivec until youre a super high lvl and youll be fine.
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