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I need help

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I need help

Post by DashGore12 »

:mad: i have been having trouble on single player SOA, (i hack my chars with shadowkeeper if thats of any significance) whenever i attack sum1 i miss 99% of the time, accasionaly i hit em if im rly rly lucky. whenever i start a new game. it does nuthing. THIS problem was recently solved when i assasinated Rayic Gethras (the cowled wizard agent) i could strike down my foes PHYSICALLY onceagain, but a new problem came to be, i could hit people with my elven mage, but not cast spells! the spell icon is brown indicating that i cant use them! i looked in my mage book and it showed all the spells i was capable of using but the little boxes on the left pages were gone and now im stuck with using scroll spells and none of my origioanl spells! pllllllllllllllllzzzzzzzzzzz help!

(sry about bad grammer and spelling and the size of message i couldnt rly say it ne other way) PLZ HELP ME ty from Dash
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Post by nephtu »


Well, the most obvious possibility is that you mucked something up with the SK hack, but let's see what we can figure out.

What is your character? You say they're an elven mage, but are they single or multi-class, what weapon proficiencies & THAC0? If you're dual wielding weapons without skill in those weapons and the dual weild skill, you can get insanely bad THAC0 values

On spells being grayed out, the most likely cause is that you're wearing armour, but that wouldn't delete the memorization numbers (the little boxes) - did you modify those in SK? What are your spells by level on that tab in SK?
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Post by Antharias2k »

Dont know how much help i can be, but here goes nothing.
as Nephtu said i agree with him. U could also have a bad installation and u might want to the latest patch. see what it is like in the multiplayer because the story line is the same and i think ( if i remember correctly) u can still take the npc's. Viruses might be a reason for the problem although i have never heard of such a thing.but who knows what each virus does these days.try not to use editors as they can cause problems. if it comes to a last resort, u will have to back up all and format and restart. :(
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Post by Galmar »

Yup, total reinstall and then leave shadowkeeper well alone, you might be best off playing with the CLUA codes if you want to mess around.
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Post by Archeron »

You can't cast spells because you are a multi-class mage weary armour. Take the armour off and you will be able to cast spells once again.

I wouldn't jump straight to re-installing just yet, SK is usually fine to have a little tweak with you Player Character having no ill effects.

A little info on your character may clear things up:

what is your THAC0?
any success against very weak characters (such as bandits)
what weapons etc
what did you tweak with SK
what level
what quests are you trying to do were you noticed this problem

I'm just thinking you may be a low level character with pretty average THAC0- no worries there- just need experience (or weaker foes).

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Post by Bruce Lee »

I would advice you to try and take screenshots and post them for us to see. If you go in to gameplay select the option show attack rolls then a screenshot from an actual battle combined with your thac0 etc should solve the problem with not being able to hit anything.
If you were doing that quest with Gethras then you may have been blinded by the mephits or slowed by the golems both of which will drastically worsen your thac0.
I dont think you need to reinstall or stop using SK. I have used that for three years now and it seems like a bugfree program.
The spell problem does sound strange and could be related to SK I guess.
I just read another thread here where you said you had used SK to set your thac0 to 100. That explains why you miss :cool:
Dont mess with thac0 in SK. Not in the abilities page anyway. Do it under the affects page. Open up a kensai character and copy the lines there to your character.
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Post by Antharias2k »

Soz, but i think dat editors and cheats are a way to spoil a game.

the game was designed to be played by the rules and not your own.

if you finish the game then use them but even then try not to do that.
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Post by DashGore12 »

recentely solved

yay! problem solved! dont know how the porblem started in first place but i fixed it! i wen tto temple, then made them cast remove level drain thingy. then i gained a lvl and i was cured! then as a party celebration i hacked my spells to thier max! :D

Thanks for the suggestions



"OW! 3rd degree burns!..... i mean, NEAT! 3rd degree burns!!!"
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"Ow! 3rd degree burns! I mean... NEAT! 3rd degree burns!"
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