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Devine Enchantments

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Devine Enchantments


Seek out a few Golden Saints or Ascended Sleepers (I prefer the Saints. They are soooo cool) Then let the enchantments begin. Now be warned, some of these are not cheap. some can be as much as 90K so make sure you have a truckload of gold before trying them. Also you don't make them all at once so I'll list them in the order that's most usefull. Note: Though Cast when used doesn't required and 80K soul, large souls let you cast multiple times without draining the item.

Exquisite Shirt of Neverending Fatigue
Constant Effect
Restore Fatigue 9-10pts
Reason: Use an exquisite shirt or pants not a belt or robe. Why? You will ALWAYS want this item equipped and it has the highest enchanment value as clothing goes. You could use a ring but that only leaves one equippable ring left. You'll need it later.

Ring of Regeneration
Constant Effect
Restore Health 4-5pts
Cost 90K
Reason: you need a high enchantment value so use a ring or amulet

Ring of Kangaroos
Constant Effect
Jump 8pts
Reason: Makes getting onto leadges easy. Also makes travel much faster, evading enemies easy and climbing with the grace of a cat.

Nighthunter Pants
Constant Effect
Night Eye 20pts
Reason: Nightvision without the green haze. Use an exquisite shirt or pants not a belt or robe. Why? You will ALWAYS want this item equipped and it has the highest enchanment value as clothing goes. You could use a ring but that only leaves one equippable ring left. You'll need it later.

Deadric Katana of Death
Make from any sword but the Katana (not the Dia-Katana) does massive damage, has a good enchant value and lasts forever without needing repair.
Cast When Strikes
Damage Health 40-50pts
Reason: Dispatch Golden Saints with 2-3 hits at 100 difficulty

Ring of Flight
Constant Effect
Levitate 8pts
Reason: Fly like an eagle to the sea. Combines with other levitate potions, etc.. for added effect and ends EXACTLY when you want it to by unequipping.

Ring of the Merman
Constant Effect
Swift Swim 15pts
Water Breathing
Reason: Swim quickly anywhere at any depth fort any amount of time without drowning. Combines with other swift swim potions, etc.. for added effect and ends EXACTLY when you want it to by unequipping.

Death Field Ring
Cast when used
Absorb Health on target 30-50pts for 2 sec in 10 foot radius.
Reason: Jump into a brawl vs. multiple enemies... deal out some damage and take some yourself then step back and fire at the group. They will be drained and you healed -- just what the doctor ordered against a room full of bloodthirsty savages.

(in progress) this one requires 10 grand gems with 80k souls but it IS worth every cent and will make you nearly invincible.
Saints Armor
I prefer Glass Armor so I can jump but you can use any you choose.
Constant Effect
Santuary (amount varies item to item)
Reason: Enchant all of your armor with Sancuary. Bracers, helm, curiass, boots, shield, etc... you get the idea. Though each item will end up with only a few points each, they will combine to make the total effect quite impressive. Right now I have done my shield 9pts and am about to do my helm. The idea is, that once all items are enchanted, that your sactuary will be 50-100 making it 50-100 percent likely that you will AVOID being hit by your opponent.

All of these enchantments, minus the armor, will cost about 500K total or so.. so start raiding those Vivec vaults for some loot to spend -- you'll need it.
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Post by Dorian_ertymexx »

Interesting. We have some ideas in common. I prefer Fortify Strength on as many objects as possible, so as to carry more loot. But I have made the levitation ring the same way you have, and have created a belt of waterbreath as well.

I carry two weapons, one with paralysis and soul trap, and another with massive shock- and fire-damage. Originally the soul-trap was a daedric longsword, and the other one a glass polearm, but later I changed them to two ebony sabers.
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