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Wish spell

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Wish spell

Post by Stilgar »

What can the Wish spell be used for?
(except for halving my HP)
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Post by fable »

'Improved Haste' on all enemies in the area.
Level Drain two levels from each party member.
Bring a 'Meteor Swarm' down upon the caster.
Temporarily remove half of the caster's HP.
Caster loses all memorized spells.
Party loses 10,000 gp.
Temporarily reduce the Strength of all party members to 3.
Temporarily reduce the Dexterity of all party members to 3.
Temporarily reduce the Constitution of all party members to 3.
Temporarily reduce the Wisdom of all party members to 3.
Temporarily reduce the Intelligence of all party members to 3.
Temporarily reduce the Charisma of all party members to 3.
Heal all enemies in the area.
Temporarily remove 15% of all party members' HPs.
Summon an extra hostile monster into the area.
Everyone in the area, both party members and enemies, become intoxicated.
'Breach' on everyone in the area, including the party.
Blow all people, including party members, away from the caster.
Heal everyone, party members and enemies included.
Temporarily set Strength to 18 for everyone in the area, including enemies.
'Miscast Magic' on everyone in the area, including party members.
'Magic Resistance' on everyone in the area, including enemies.
'Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting' on everyone in the area, including the party.
Incur bad luck on everyone in the area, including party members.
'Silence' on everyone in the area, including party members.
'Haste' everyone in the area, including enemies.
'Improved Haste' on all party members.
'Breach' on all enemies in the area.
'Restoration' on all party members.
Raise all party members' characteristics to 25 for 4 rounds.
'Resurrection' on all dead party members.
All party members gain the temporary ability 'Greater Deathblow'.
All party members gain the temporary ability 'Hardiness'.
Create a random wand in caster's inventory.
Create a random potion in the caster's inventory.
Make it as if the entire party has just rested a full night and
re-memorized all their spells.
Cast a double-length 'Time Stop' and 'Improved Alacrity' on the caster.
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Post by Stilgar »

And you keep getting random choices?
That double timestop / improved alacrity sound rather nice :D
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by Stilgar
And you keep getting random choices?
That double timestop / improved alacrity sound rather nice :D

that timestop via wish spell has been reported to affect timestop immune enemies, like monkey boy...

the abi dahzim of doom...protect party from magic energy, and kill almost every single creature on the map with that option...

its random, but to my experience, almost every time cast, at least one acceptable choice, and some of the choices are incredibly useful.


wish spell is more cheesy than chain that's cheesy!!! :p
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Post by fable »

Thing is, you'll get a lot more useful choices if the caster has a high wisdom. If they don't...well, you may get a positive option, but it could well be an option you don't need. ;)
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

Originally posted by fable
Thing is, you'll get a lot more useful choices if the caster has a high wisdom. If they don't...well, you may get a positive option, but it could well be an option you don't need. ;)

true...but you can have a high wisdom character talk to the djinn, like the limited wish spell, and the ever popular potion of insight will raise it to 18 for 8 hours...

another reason why sorcerors need high wisdom over intelligence...

man, some of the choices for wish is cheesable...

one fun trick is to try for breach everyone...this will breach undead solafein...hardiness via wish spell stacks... :p :p :p
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