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bg1tutu & Ulgoth

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bg1tutu & Ulgoth

Post by Coot »

I've downloaded bg1tutu, which lets you play bg1 with the bg2 engine. I'm having a lot of fun with it.
I'm having a problem though, which may or may not be related to bg1tutu: I can't get to Ulgoth's Beard. The icon is there on the map but the game won't let me go there. The funny thing is, I CAN go to Durlag's Tower, so it's not a matter of TotSC being affected.
Has anyone had this problem? If not, does someone know how to use Shadowkeeper to move my party to Ulgoth's beard? Because for the life of me, I can't figure it out. :o :o :o
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Post by Stilgar »

I dont know for tutu,
but have you tried exiting the bridge to the city to the north?
(above the house of the girl with the goldenbowl quest)
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Post by Numinor »

Perhaps you should visit the BG1TuTu forum at
maybe there you can get more help.
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Post by Coot »

@Stilgar: No, I could access from there...

@Numinor: The bg1tutuforum should've been my first stop... and guess what, the very first thread had the answer. Thanks.
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