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Post by DarkApos »

hey i was just wandering if it was at all possible to dual-class a ranger with a cleric or an Archer/Cleric if so what stats they need
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Post by nephtu »

Yes and yes

It's possible to dual (or multi-) class a cleric-ranger. Jaheira make a singularly good one ;)

I'm not sure of stat restrictions, obviously you'd need good WIS and STR, plus you must be of good alignment, and not let your reputation fall too low.

You can only dual from a kit to a straight class in the basic game, but you can kit a multi (or the second class) if you use Shadow keeper.

Remember an archer/cleric will ONLY be able to use slings.

And, of course, due to a game engine bug, Ranger-Clerics get to pull spells from both Druid AND Cleric pools...bwa ha ha :eek:
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Post by Mini Me »

for dual classing,
The stats they NEED are 15 in the prime requisite of the first class and 17 in the prime requisite of the second class.

so you will need 15+ wis and 17+ con for a cleric dualled to ranger
you will need 15+ con and 17+ wis for a ranger -> cleric

multi class rules are simple.

PS dont play ranger clerics on TDD as all the new spells means that half of them will be kicked off the spell page :eek:
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Post by Numinor »

If you have ToB you won't be able to dual archers or stalkers to clerics because Bioware disabled it, only Beastmasters and plain rangers are able to dual to clerics then.
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Post by VonDondu »

The minimum stat requirements for a Ranger dualled to a Cleric are as follows:

STR 15
DEX 15
CON 14 (the lowest CON possible for a Ranger)
WIS 17

A Ranger's primary stats are Strength, Dexterity, and Wisdom (and Constitution can't be below 14). It's a very demanding class. Consequently, a Cleric dualling to a Ranger would have to meet the following requirements:

STR 17
DEX 17
CON 14 (the lowest CON possible for a Ranger)
WIS 17 (as opposed to 15)
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Post by Bruce Lee »

If you dual a cleric to a ranger, what is considered caster level when casting iron skins and other druid spells? Is it the ranger class caster level or the cleric level?
Has anyone played this dual... ?
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Post by Mini Me »

I suspect it will be the ranger's, but i dont have any proof for you sorry.
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Post by VonDondu »

I haven't played a Cleric dualled to a Ranger, but I have rolled one up before. It looks like a viable character to me.

I don't know for certain, but I suspect that the casting level will be determined by the Ranger's level. If that's the case, then because of the rate of advancement, a Cleric dualled to a Ranger would have a spellcasting advantage compared to a multi-class Cleric/Ranger (which gains levels more slowly) and a slight disadvantage compared to a Ranger dualled to a Cleric (which gains levels faster).

However, there is one thing to keep in mind. Rangers can only learn up to 3rd Level spells. Therefore, if you want to cast 7th Level Cleric/Druid spells, you need to advance your Cleric to 14th Level or higher before dualling to a Ranger. This will require 3,450,00 experience points (1,350,000 + 2,100,000).

Let's say you advance your Cleric to 14th Level. At that point, all of the Cleric spells for a Good-aligned character will appear in your spellbook. When you dual to a Ranger, your spellbook will appear to be wiped clean. Starting at 8th Level, you will gain the ability to cast Druid spells like any other Ranger (including up to 3rd Level spells). When you reach 15th Level Ranger and regain your Cleric abilities, your spellbook will suddenly contain every Priest spell available, including Druid as well as Cleric spells, except for those that cannot be used by a Good character.

When you advance to 18th Level Ranger (which requires 1,350,000 + 3,000,000 experience points), you'll begin acquiring the High Level Abilities that are available to Rangers, including Power Attack, Whirlwind Attack, etc., as well as the cheesy favorite, Deathblow, which does, uh, interesting things when combined with a spell like Fire Seeds. :) (Thanks, UserUnfriendly.)

Some players would rather have Cleric High Level Abilities instead of Ranger High Level Abilities, but that's a matter of personal taste. The only disadvantage that I see in a Cleric dualled to a Ranger is that you have the Hit Points of a Cleric. (There's no benefit in having Constitution over 16.) On the other hand, a character with Ironskins and Hardiness doesn't really need to be a Hit Point factory. :) You also have to wait a long time before you can cast 7th Level Druid spells, but that's just the way it is when you play a dual-classed or multi-classed character. If you want Cleric High Level Abilities, more Hit Points, and the ability to cast high level Cleric spells a little bit earlier in the game, then you should consider the natural alternatives, a Ranger dualled to a Cleric or a multi-class Cleric/Ranger. Any of them make fine characters.
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