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Frustrated MOD HUNTING

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Bama Gal
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Frustrated MOD HUNTING

Post by Bama Gal »

Please help me!!!!!!!!!!! I am trying to start a new game using the Big Pic. I'm trying to get all of the mods together, but am now confused. Please tell me what I need and where to find them. I've looked at different boards and some folks say you need this or that, but not where to get it. How many TS's exe's are out there and how many do you need? I get an error from Fileplanet when I try to download TS period. I believe its a 4404 something error. It would be nice if this info and downloads was in one place. As a last act of searching before surrending the white flag, I'm writing to ya'll. Please help soon!!!!!!!!!
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Post by nephtu »


The big pic was a collection of MODs, no?

You can try page 3 of the BG Reference sticky thread above, or if you can be a bit more specific about which mods you're looking for, we can probably help you better.

I've only used WeiDU mods myself (Tactics, spell-50, Ease of Use & Item Upgrade, plus some NPCs)
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Mini Me
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Post by Mini Me »

I havent actually played BP by itself so Im not sure of installation

but you need:


The Darkest Day v1.0.3
v1.0.3-to-1.0.3a Patch

Shadows over Soubar v1.0.0 AND the patch

Tortured Souls v5.01
Tortured Souls v5.03
Tortured Souls v5.04

The Big Picture v161GFull

This comes with an autoinstaller, but in case you need extra, here are the manual instructions:
Big Picture Manual Installation

For help or more info:
Plaguezone Forums
IE community Big Picture Forum

DO NOT get TS v5.1 it is not compatible.

and enjoy

now, the real difficulty comes when you want to start playing BP-BGT-NeJ...I spent 3 full days getting that right.
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Bama Gal
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Post by Bama Gal »

Mod Hunting

Thanks for your swift reply. I apologize for being vague. I've played BG1 & II, plus Bhaal. I've played the Kelsey and Solufain mods. I'd like more interaction between the NPC's and more quests. I've looked at several different forums and all of the mod info/questions starts getting confusing. I'm not a computer guru and my husband gets mad at me when I mess up the computer downloading mods. Right now SOA is imbeded in the computer and my husband may have to reformat the computer. He's very good at computers. I'd really like to see a mod that had when you play a ranger (for example) the game would cater towards showing different settings (same story), same for a magic user, thief, etc, and eventually end up where the plot thickens. I hope that makes sense. I do appreciate all of the folks out there that are continuing to work on mods for BG, BGII, etc. The real pain in the neck is trying to find a place to download these mods without having to wait 3 or 4 hours, that is wait! I am on DSL. File Planet was a pain to mess with. I hope this is a better explanation.
So Hon
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