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Viconia, Aerie, Jaheira lol

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Viconia, Aerie, Jaheira lol

Post by Adahn »

Hey guys check this picture out, lol, i found it on Elfwood. I dunno if you've seen it before hehe. ... t.jpg.html
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Post by fable »

Oh, that is cute. :D I kinda wish the facial art was a bit closer to the original pics so we could actually identify the three women simply at a glance, but it's still priceless.

What's needed for fairness, now, is an image of everybody's least favorite male cleric boasting about his prowess while he tries to clumsily woe a female PC. ;)
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Post by Ned Flanders »

that's great adahn, i've got new desktop wallpaper
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Post by Vicsun »

Your screen resolution must be pretty small @ ned ;)

On another note, does anyone know why Viconia is portrayed blue on her character portrait, rather than black as it should be?
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Post by Adahn »

Originally posted by fable
Oh, that is cute. :D I kinda wish the facial art was a bit closer to the original pics so we could actually identify the three women simply at a glance, but it's still priceless.

What's needed for fairness, now, is an image of everybody's least favorite male cleric boasting about his prowess while he tries to clumsily woe a female PC. ;)

Yeah heh ^^ Something like, Anomen standing on a wooden box, arms raised as he's boasting about having killed 20 giants and the female PC going -.-() hehe
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Post by garazdawi »

rofl, nice picture. I could actually identify Vic and Jah straight away. Thought the middle was Nalia though and that anomen was the dragon dude with cernd on the right...
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Post by Adahn »

There's lots of funny pics hehe. I'm just gonna post away ^^ ... c.jpg.html ... o.jpg.html ... 2.jpg.html ... n.jpg.html that's a nice one of Irenicus. ... a.jpg.html That's a good one of Viconia.

I guess that's pretty much it ^^ Enjoy, though keep in mind those are fan art pics. So... it's how those artists belive those chars should be in their own quaint little minds hehe. Personaly i'm working on one of my character. Thining of posting mine soon. But don't wait up. It's gonna be a while ^^
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Post by garazdawi »

wow, jaheira really has large arms in that pic...
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Post by dragon wench »

I really like that image of Irenicus.... there is such pathos...
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Post by Ned Flanders »


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Post by Adahn »

Originally posted by Vicsun
Your screen resolution must be pretty small @ ned ;)

On another note, does anyone know why Viconia is portrayed blue on her character portrait, rather than black as it should be?

Dark elves that live in the surface for long periods of time loose their pitch black ebony skin color to a more blueish one. Take a look at Drizzt in his elderly years. He's dark blue. Another thing, Dark elves' skin deteriorates faster ont he surface. So a dark elf that would live 300 years in the underdark, would look like a 25 year old. While on the surface he'd look like a 40 year old. Given he lives said time on the surface ^^ Hope that made sens ^^()
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Post by CM »

Those are great pics. They rock.

Ps. Bring Fable back to SYM. I sure to hell hope i dont get banned for doing this :D WE WANT FABLE BACK!!
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Post by Vicsun »

@adahn: yea that would explain it, thanks for the info.

@ned: I assumed that if your screen resolution is larger than, say, 800x600, the picture would be horribly pixelated when stretched. :)
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Post by Kayless »

Originally posted by Adahn
Hey guys check this picture out, lol, i found it on Elfwood. I dunno if you've seen it before hehe. ... t.jpg.html

Heh, that's funny. Makes me want to do some BG fanart myself (but who'd want to see that?). :p
Originally posted by garazdawi
wow, jaheira really has large arms in that pic...

DAMN! Image She could rip apart a dragon with giant monkey arms like that! She should go into the WNBA. Image

The face is nice though. :D
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
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