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Funny that (spoilers)

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Funny that (spoilers)

Post by Squee »

BG2 is almost like a copy of Final Fantasy 2 (5).

BG2 have Irenicus, an evil mage of incredible power who kidnaps an old friend. Final Fantasy has Golbez, an evil mage of incredible power who kidnaps your girlfriend.

BG2 has Yoshimo, a man that is dominated by a powerful Geas spell and is therefore forced to betray *protagonist*. Final Fantasy have Kain, an old friend of *protagonist* who is dominated by a powerful spell that forces him to betray *protagonist*

In BG you find out that you're the son of a god. And in Final Fantasy it's pretty much the same.

Well that's pretty much it.... Okey okey, I admit. I don't have anything to do right now.
You guys are my best friends, we've always been together, we're four of a kind laughing all day and palling away, we're best friends!
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